My Faithful Leader

O Lord of Learning, teach me Your ways so I can get to know You better and find favor in Your sight. You are a God of compassion and grace. It is Your tender heart that has made Your many blessings available to me. I am grateful for the fact that You are slow to anger because on many occasions I have violated Your laws and rebelled against Your will. I am consoled by the fact that You forgive the evil, selfishness, and sin in my life when I express true sorrow and repent. In Your abiding love and faithfulness, I have found my worth and meaning for my life. I have learned that to give You honor and respect, I must adopt Your character. If I do things my way, my life becomes an endless mess. But, when I choose to follow Your lead, I have hope and perseverance. I do not understand why I drift away from Your presence when I find peace in it. Show me Your path to righteous living.

Lead me to the path where I will find blessings and the fulfillment of Your promises. When I grumble, whine, and complain, I am only focusing on myself and my discomfort. At these times, my faith is diminished, and I am left with no hope. When I follow Your lead, hope becomes my guiding light. I must learn to accept that what You want for me is Your best and all You want to do is help. Your patience with me allows me to make mistakes and correct them. I must accept that when I face testing You are trying to make me mentally and spiritually ready to receive Your blessings. When I face an obstacle, I must trust You and move forward in faith. Only then will I be able to claim Your promises. Knowing what is right and wrong is not enough. I also must be willing to do what is right. Show me Your path to righteous living.

As part of the process of becoming more like You, I must be willing to follow the guidelines provided in Your Word. You want me to have a lifestyle that is different from the world in which I live. I must concern myself with purity and becoming an effective witness. Unbelief is the biggest roadblock that I face when trying to be holy as You are holy. I must believe what You say in Your Word and prevent unbelief from taking a foothold in my life. If I follow Your lead, I will be able to enjoy the blessings You have promised to Your people. When I allow dissatisfaction and discontent to remain in my life, it only leads to a disaster. If I want to move forward with You, I must stop and count the cost. When I do, the obstacles I face will become clear and easier to avoid. By following You, I avoid the barriers and the things that diminish my service. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Isaiah 48:17 This is what the Lord says – your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, and directs you in the way you should go.”

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