My Helper and My Guide

My Divine Creator, when You departed from the earth, You promised not to leave me comfortless. You assured me that I would have someone to show me the way down life’s pathway and bring me heavenly aid. The Holy Spirit fills that role and has become my source of refreshing and inspiration sent from above. Through Him, I gain important insights into You and the Father. He brings me Your light to illuminate my path and teaches me Your ways. I know that the Spirit watches over me … encourages me when I am down … and strengthens me when I am weak. He is the coolness in my most heated battles and consolation in the middle of woes. He chases away the darkness to make room for Your light. I need Him to cleanse my heart soiled by sin and boost my faith when evil moves in. My hope is that Your grace will increase as I experience the many trials and struggles that He helps me get through.

Guide me back when I go astray. Teach me how to become obedient so I can reap the rewards of well-doing. Fill me with a heart that is like My Lord’s so I can love the things He did and do the things He did. Show me the things that will make my motives pure and conform my will to be like His so I will want to be a servant like Him. Teach me lessons of obedience and humble submission so that my desires will become like His and my selfishness will melt away. Show me how to live like He did so I can find a better way and share it with others. Sweet Spirit, show me the way to bind myself more closely to My Lord and follow Him wherever he goes. Take my hand and help me experience the peace and joy intended for me since the beginning of time. You are the one who the Lord deemed to be my companion so help me navigate this life … and I will gladly accept the help.

You have come into my life to show me how to walk uprightly and boldly proclaim the message of the Gospel to those who have not heard it. Help me sort out the truths found in the Word so I can learn the ways of righteous living. Inspire me to respond to the high calling to which I have been called. When struggles and stress bring pain and suffering, show me how to count it all joy the way My Savior did when He bore the weight of suffering for my sins. Help me be a selfless and humble servant in the furtherance of the Kingdom. Be with me as I undertake each day so that I know my strong defense and compassionate companion goes with me everywhere. Regardless of whatever circumstances I find myself, I want to reflect the best of My Lord to those around me. In all these things, I need a helper and someone to guide me and I believe I have found them in You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

John 14:18 I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you (through the Holy Spirit).

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