My Quiet, Simple Prayers

Most Understanding Lord, if I would be completely honest with myself, I know that my prayers spoken yesterday have been heard by You even if I don’t see them answered today.  For You see and understand my sorrow, confusion and distress.  And, You want to be a part of resolving whatever is bothering me.  It is very important that I keep the lines of communication open with You because, without the ability to pray, I likely would make decisions that move me away from You and puts me going in the wrong direction.  Without prayers, I would fight alone the battles with strife and adversity.  Without being able to share my plans and hopes with You, how could I face another day with confidence?  If I could not seek Your counsel and wisdom, who else could I turn to for answers to the problems that I face?

When I pray, I feel the source of whatever is troubling me being lifted off of my shoulders … and, when I share the joy of something special happening in my life, the taste of success is even sweeter.  When I am down-trodden, even a few minutes spent alone with You unburdening myself gives me hope for better outcomes in my future.  It is during my times of prayer with You that I am brought into a closer union with You.  For, in that time, I acknowledge the importance that You have in my life and I open myself up to trusting You and walking by faith and not by sight.  I know that it is Your desire to have an intimate relationship with me so that we can talk throughout the day on any matter that I want to share with You.  While most of my prayers are quiet and simple, they mean a lot to me … and I believe that they mean a lot to You also.

When I become confused and cannot see the road ahead or know which course of action I am to take … if I call upon You, You are faithful and responsive in shining Your light on the path I am to take.  If I acknowledge that each new day is a gift from You, it makes it easier to become more conversational with You.  Without Your counsel and loving touch in my life, my future would be very dim.  But, as I put my faith in You and begin opening up about my concerns, the ball and chain that once kept me bound is unlocked.  Like a ship tossed about at sea on a dark, stormy night is what my life seems like without You as a part of it.  But, just as You calmed the seas when You walked across the water to rescue Your Apostles during a storm, so do You come to rescue me when I lift up a quiet, simple prayer to You.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Psalm 4:1 Answer me when I call to You, O my Righteous God.  Give me relief from my distress, be merciful to me and hear my prayer.

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