Most Understanding Lord, it seems like bad things stalk me so they can turn my world upside down. I know You cautioned me that living in the world would cause me to encounter tribulations … and why not? You suffered more than Your fair share. No matter what I need You are the only one I can count on to understand and help me overcome whatever I am going through. Whether my situation involves circumstances I cannot control or attacks of the evil one, I know I can look to You as the One who will deliver me from them all. Whenever I come to a point where I cry out “Why me, Lord?” I know I can count on You to pluck me out of the fires of affliction and help me get back on the road to recovery. The only way I can overcome darkness is by clinging to You and following Your light. Even though I dread going through trials, I know that without the worst of times I would never appreciate the best of times.
In the same way that You had to overcome a heavy cost to attain victory for me, there is always a cost to achieving a victory, but it does not mean there is no victory. In my flesh, I want things to go smoothly and without difficulty. Unfortunately, in the world, the Devil and circumstances never seem to work out so my life can go that way. The good news is that when I cry out “Why me, Lord?” … You come to my rescue to deliver me from whatever is troubling me. Whenever I invite You to help me solve my problem, I must be willing to submit to Your timing and will. It is You alone who can deliver me from the circumstances into which I am being swallowed. I know that when I experience the storms of adversity, it will be You and Your steadfast love that come to my aid. I know that in submitting to You, whenever I face troubles You will stand with me. You are my place of refuge and the source of protection.
You are the One who comes to my aid and helps me escape the tentacles of the world and the traps set by my enemy. Your purpose in coming to save me was to release me from the powers of darkness. You have shown Yourself faithful in providing me with the strength to overcome difficulties and protect me from evil. I can never thank You enough for delivering me from a dark future filled with gloom and doom. You are my safe place to whom I run whenever harm threatens me. I know that even though I sometimes wonder “Why me, Lord?” You will always hear my cries and come to help. It is in Your nature to love me unconditionally and guide me through the many facets of life. Evil is always stalking me, but I am consoled in the knowledge that You are greater. As I go through each day, I am realizing, there is no reason for me to say, “Why me, Lord?” And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 34:17 The Lord hears His people when they call to Him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.