My Lord and King, help me never become arrogant in my own knowledge but instead remain open to receive Your truth through church leaders and Your Word. I do not want to be wise in my own eyes but, with childlike faith, realize that You are the only one who has the answers I seek. Through what I learn about You, I see myself building a more intimate relationship that will help me throughout my life. That closeness with You is a “special gift” from Your Father which is meant to teach me the things I need to know in order to succeed. Before You could ever be revealed to me, I had to make a choice. How fortunate I am to been given that opportunity and having exercised it. You have opened Your heart and Heaven’s bounties to me and You are waiting for me to respond to Your call. No longer can I hold back … I must give You my all so that You can achieve Your goals through me and my works.
In Your Word, You explained my service as taking up Your yoke and following Your lead. In practical terms, a yoke is a wooden harness that fits over the shoulders of the oxen. It is attached to a piece of equipment that the oxen pull. There are multiple ways that I am required to carry heavy burdens … sin, excessive demands, stress and strain from my job, worry about tomorrow, etc. Your desire is to help lift those burdens from me. The place of rest that You offer is in love, healing, peace, safety, hope, etc. A relationship with You changes meaningless, wearisome struggles into positive and productive outcomes. These are the kind of things that give me purpose and meaning. A life with You is much easier to live because You are my partner and co-laborer in making things flow harmoniously. As a result of Your standing by me, my burdens are much lighter because the loads are shared.
You invite me to bring my burdens and weariness to You in exchange for rest. You call me to take up my yoke and learn from You. I do that by partnering with You under the weight of the yoke to do whatever good thing You ask me to do. Unlike a young, untrained ox who pulls and jerks the load behind him, in Your maturity and wisdom, You show me a better way. As long as I struggle under the yoke, the load will be cumbersome and hard to maneuver. But, when I cooperate instead of resisting, Your help and guidance steadies my load and makes it easier to pull. Having You by my side assures me of success. If I cooperate with You in bearing my daily load, it will be easier to work with and have better conclusions. I now understand what You meant when You said that Your yoke was easy and Your burden light. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy and my burden light.