All glory and honor be Yours, My Heavenly King, for You have been gracious to me in so many ways. Through Your grace, I’ve been given a place in Eternity … barriers to my life have been tossed aside so I can grow unimpeded … my load has been carried when I could not … my life has been filled with abundance, peace and joy … I’ve been given safety and protection from all forms of danger … and, the Spirit has been given to me to teach me the paths of righteousness and guide me through the mine fields of life. I am appreciative of the generosity which You’ve shown in blessing me with good and imperishable things for which I can never repay You. Because of Your promise to be with me always, I can give thanks in both good and bad times knowing You will be there as You promised in Your Word. I know I will fulfill my call because You love me and will help me run my race successfully.
In my growing relationship with You, I’ve learned that devoting my time, talents and resources are ways of showing You my appreciation for all You’ve done for me. Time spent in service, as well as prayer, become my love offering to You. Help me not believe that tithing my resources is the only gift I have to show my thanks for what You do for me. Tithing of time and talents are relevant to my relationship with You and others. When I think of all of the things I cram into a day, it is no wonder that I find it hard to give You the time I should. I must stop making excuses for my neglect and accept the truth that I make time for things that are important to me. I must never lose sight of the fact that You put me here for a purpose … and it wasn’t to store up things, become powerful or neglect the work of Your Kingdom. In the same way I’m to be a good citizen of my country, I must also be a good citizen of Your Kingdom.
So how does one start a life of tithing one’s time and talents? I believe it begins with a decision to do the right thing … it includes seeking the help of the Holy Spirit to show me what to do … and, finally doing it so I can develop a habit of giving. It starts with making time for You and seeking Your will for my life … it includes time in prayer … it involves responding to the nudging of the Holy Spirit to visit the sick and broken-hearted … it includes feeding the hungry … and, calls us to be a good listener for those who need to unload their feelings so that they can move on. I’ve never stopped expecting Your willingness to meet my needs … why should I not expect the same of myself? You’ve said that You no longer desire the sacrifices of animals, but living sacrifices willing to lay down their lives, as You did. I pray that I will be filled with gratitude and appreciation for all You’ve done for me. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God …