O Glorious Master, in the beginning You saw the light and said “it is good” … not only because it represents You but because it displaced the darkness (where evil lurked). Fear inhabits the dark shadows and strives to imprison me, but in Your light I am free and, to remain free, I must stay in Your light. You strive to show me the way I must go and You keep my vision clear so I can understand Your ways and apply them in my life. Your light has prevented me from stumbling … and in so-doing, has allowed me to walk uprightly before You. Even when all I see is darkness, I know Your light will shine on me … guiding me back to You. It is Your Word and the Holy Spirit who unfold the meaning of eternal things, make clear Your desires and help me keep Your Word. To walk in safety, I need Your light so I can avoid tripping over my enemy’s deceptions and becoming entangled in the teachings of the world.
While modern society longs for peace of mind, I know that if I love You and obey Your commands You have promised me “great peace.” As a consequence, if I stand with You against the pressures of life, You assure me of Your protection and an internal quietness. I can never avoid the strife that is in the world but, with You by my side, I can know perfect peace despite the turmoil. When I remain devoted to You, my whole being is made steady and strong. Supported by Your love and power, I remain at peace … unshaken by the surrounding chaos. You have promised that, if I love Your laws, I will find “great peace”. It’s a peace that calms me because of my unshakable trust in You. When I allow myself to be controlled by the Spirit, I am able to find joy and peace because He helps me make good choices. Through Your Word and the working of the Holy Spirit, I am blessed with a peace that passes all understanding.
The reason I find peace in Your light is because … fear and worry have been banished from my life … darkness has had to flee and evil no longer can hide from my consciousness … I now possess a better understanding of what is expected of me and I can strive to attain it … as a result of the light emanating from You, I am able to shine it into the lives of others, thereby glorifying You … confusion and indecision no longer muddle my decision making. By Your light, I have escaped death and have the assurance of an eternal home … and, Your light reminds me that You are in control and weave together the events that lead me closer to Your heart in an ever deepening way that produces positive outcomes for my life. Because You came into the world to give it light so that whoever believed on You would not stay in darkness, but have eternal life … I can truly rest in Your peace. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Luke 1:78-79 … because of the tender mercy of our God by which the rising of the sun will come to us by Heaven (Jesus), to shine on those living in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.
A very timely prayer. While the world seems to be spewing out vile and evil diatribes every moment of every day, one could easily succumb to their voices of rage, anger and despair. God’s Word does indeed give us His assurance of peace. He told us it would be like this. “Be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.” Thank you for the reminder, Larry!
Mulling over this greatly in the shadow of the Uvalde School Massacre. . . I’ll be re-reading and reading again. Thanks, Larry .. . LN
Beautiful words as usual.
In times like the present, it is hard to find peace–but this shows us that is is always available. Like our beloved saviour, peace is within calling distance. Another reason to pray and then depend on God to do the hard work for us. Praise Him!
Love this….”your light reminds me that you are in control and weave together the events that lead me closer to your heart in an ever deepening way that produces positive outcomes in my life”. Thank you for your light and love, Lord.