Praising You in All Things

My Loving Savior, focusing my thoughts on You moves me to praising You for who You are and all that you do for me. The more I get to know You, the more I appreciate the many things You have done to enhance my life. When I feel powerless, I’ve learned that what I must do is turn to You to revive me. Coming to grips with that fact has given me an ever-present desire to rejoice. Knowing I can count on Your strength and guidance to overcome the pain and distress of the obstacles I face gives me confidence and hope regarding my future. I know that when I face what appear to be insurmountable obstacles, I can pray for deliverance, protection, and perseverance. In accepting the fact that I am forgiven, I am infused with joy and I can pray with the expectation that You will hear my cries. When I feel Your love and acceptance, I move from fear of You to intimacy … from guilt to trust.

Praise is my attempt to let You know that You are acknowledged, appreciated, and loved. I have come to accept that You are all-powerful and will always act at just the right time. This makes me confident that You have my back and will come my aid when I am overmatched. Your awesomeness is revealed in all the things You’ve done for me and the guidance You’ve given me in the way I should go. I am grateful for the personal concern, help and mercy that You’ve invested in my life. Not only do You protect, guide, and forgive me, but You’ve committed to supplying all my needs. As a result of the abundance which You’ve poured into my life, my desire is to show You my appreciation through the words I speak, the attitude of my heart, and things I do. I know that You are faithful and just and I can put my trust in You. And when I do, I am confident that my problems will be handled and I can enter into rest.

You are faithful in all Your ways and at all times. Therefore, I know I can trust You in the good times and the bad times. As I acknowledge the many benefits You bring to my life, I find it easier to express my thanks for all You have done. In thinking about the recurring help that You provide in making my life better, I am motivated to naturally and spontaneously offer You praise and thanks. People can be unfair and may desert me, but I have come to realize that You will stand with me and step in at just the right time. Knowing You better has driven out doubt, fear, and emptiness. I now understand that I am never alone because You have promised that You will never leave or forsake me. I now see that obeying You and refusing to listen to the Devil (who is always trying to undermine my faith in You), will help me be bold for You and allow me to praise You in all things. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Psalm 52:9 I will praise You forever for what You have done; in Your name I will hope, for Your name is trustworthy.

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