O Trustworthy Savior, it is not appropriate for me to put my confidence in my earthly abilities, gifts or achievements because my confidence should be in You alone. When I experience doubt, timidity or insecurity is the time when I should lean on You more heavily. If everything went perfectly in my life, I would have no need of confidence. What I do not need is more confidence in myself. Instead, what I need is the confidence that comes from trusting and relying on You. This type of confidence is what causes me to align my life with Yours and prevents me from being ashamed of You or being Yours. Regardless of what goes on around me, I must hold firm to my confidence in You. Though negative circumstances surround me, I must maintain my trust in You at all costs. I will stand fast and remain unshaken in Your support.
My confidence is in You because I know that You are faithful in keeping Your promises and helping me in my times of need. You shield me from the effects of adversity and direct me in the ways of truth. As a result of our relationship, I know I can approach You with confidence knowing You will listen to my pleas and respond with what You know is best for me. I feel blessed to have learned to trust You, and You have become the center of my steadfast resolve when faced with evil. When I am unsure about how to deal with a problem that comes into my life, I know that I can count on Your help and guidance to deal with it appropriately. My confidence comes from knowing that You care about me, Your desire to help me deal with my problems and Your willingness to become a part of my solutions. I know that in Your perfect time all things will work out for my good.
You are my ever-present guardian and source of perpetual hope. Because You stand by me, I will not fear what the future holds. You are the One I count on to protect me from evil. You have made me comfortable in trusting that You will deliver me from troubles and heartache. I rejoice in the privilege that You have given me to put my confidence in reliance on You. You are the steady and unmovable Rock upon which I have chosen to build my life. I am counting on You to heal the wounds in my heart that produce insecurity, timidity, and uncertainty. These and other things tempt me to doubt Your faithfulness and Your power to do with my life what You called me to do. Because You hear every word that I pray, I am confident that You will be there every time I need You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Jeremiah 17:7 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and he has made the Lord his hope and confidence.