See Adversity As An Opportunity

My Glorious King, often I see adversity and trials as something to resign myself to or patiently endure. And when my time of waiting goes beyond what I think is reasonable, I complain to You and decide to live in misery. Rarely do I stop to reflect on who I am in You. I seem to feel like I’m trapped by natural sources and must endure them. As a person who is taught Your Word, I should remember that You have proclaimed me to be “Overcomer.” This proclamation tells me that there is no circumstance that can hold me back and I should proceed full speed ahead after seeking Your help. “Overcomers” do not succumb to circumstances but, with Your help, find a way to get past them. Throughout my life, the Devil has placed obstacles in my path to frustrate and styme me. If I leave You out, You will allow me to thrash around like a fish on the bank. When I include You, my time of testing is greatly reduced.

Too often I see problems as being bigger than I can handle. Yet Your Word tells me that even seemingly impossible problems can be pushed aside if I include You in their solution. You told Your disciples that if they had faith the size of a mustard seed, they could cast mountains into the sea. Your message to believers is that with a small amount of faith big things can be accomplished. I do not believe that You were trying to put down or humiliate the disciples and, instead, illustrate to them the awesome power of faith in solving problems … even very large ones. What You seem to be asking of me is to view my problems as mountains and use my faith to cast them aside. When facing problems that are more imposing than my faith, the scripture tells me I should look to You for the faith to move the mountains. When I look to You as the source of my faith, I will become more successful in removing my mountains.

Paul encouraged the Philippians by sharing with them the fact that he had learned the secret of being content in any situation. His success was predicated on knowing that he could do all things through Him who gives him strength. He was content because he could see his life through Your eyes. He overcame by focusing on what You wanted him to do and not focusing on what he could not do in the natural. To become satisfied during times of difficulty, I must be grateful for what I have and remain hopeful that You will provide the strength I need to persevere. I know I can become content in whatever state I find myself if I draw close to You and Your power. By learning to rely on Your promises and growing my faith, I will be able to stand when everything else around me is crumbling. When adversity comes into my life, I will view it as an opportunity to call on You for help. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

John 16:33 In the world you will have tribulations. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

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