To The One Who Made Me

Most Cherished Lord, I rejoice in the fact that I find rest and a place of safety in You. Like a father, You have promised to protect me and provide all of my needs. In Your mercy and grace, You cover me with Your goodness and have freed me from the power of sin. You are the Solid Rock upon which I have built my whole life. I feel safe in Your faithfulness and love. It is You alone who sustains me and delivers me from all my trials. It is in Your strength that I am enabled to persevere through my toughest times. I am thankful for Your gift of the Holy Spirit who gives me comfort and teaches me how to apply Your Word. I am confident that no matter what circumstances come up in my life, they will all be dealt with in time because all things are possible through You. I am thankful for the fact that You gave me life and the opportunity to know You.

Create in me a new and obedient heart dedicated to serving to You. Like Your mother Mary, create in me a willing heart that says “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be done to me as You have said.” Just like Mary took a chance in the society in which she lived (some may have been thought her to be a big risk-taker) and regardless of the cost obeyed the request of her God. Even though she did not fully understand what was being asked of her, she offered herself as an object of its fulfillment … and so should I. Who knows what opportunities may await me, if as an obedient child, I willingly and joyfully choose to serve You. I need not wait until I know every detail before I accept Your mission. I must be willing to step forward even when the outcomes may seem to be disastrous. As Your child, I must remain confident that You have my back.

It does not matter how important the task You assign looks like on the surface. What I am assured of is that each task You ask of me is important to You and has an eternal purpose. My goal must be to please You and realize You will give me every advantage to be successful. I am assured that I do not have to shoulder my load alone because You have promised to lend a helping hand and the strength to persevere. Even though I may feel unworthy of the task You set before me, mine is not to question Your request but just go do it. I must never succumb to fear of failure because through You all things are possible. As I ponder each of Your requests, I believe that in the peace and wisdom of the Holy Spirit I will receive the courage and will to obey. Just as a small child trusts his parent’s hand to catch him if he falls, I trust You to uphold me as I step out for You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Proverbs 23:24 The father of the righteous man has great joy; he who has a wise son delights in him.

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