Standing Against Tribulations

Most Beloved Savior, I believe that You will deliver me from my calamities and distresses. I believe this because I trust that You value my life and, as a result, will deliver me from all my trials. If I become distracted and leave You out of my life, evil will surely make me a pay for coming out from under Your covering. When I am not rooted and grounded in Your Word, troubles beset me and I either give up or collapse under the weight of my ordeal. You have confided in me that in this world I will face tribulations; however, I should take heart that since You overcame Yours … I will also. Even as a Christian, I should expect problems and adverse circumstances to be a part of my life but, because I remain in sync with You, You give me the peace and comfort. Pain is a part of life but is never easy to endure; however, my struggles should never make me push You away … instead, draw You closer.

I do not understand why Your Word tells me that even though I remain faithful to You I can expect to face hardships that try to crush my faith. You tell me to rejoice in my suffering because they produce perseverance, character, and hope. Through my difficulties I am beginning to see they help me grow spiritually and form good character traits. Perseverance develops my spiritual strength and builds hope in the future. Together they deepen my trust and confidence in You as my provider and helper. Additionally, I am assured that the troubles and hardships I face will not separate me from Your love. No matter what happens to me, where I find myself, I can never be separated from You and Your love. Your death and suffering for my sake gives me proof of Your everlasting love. Your love provides me with security and freedom from fear and worry.

The key to standing against tribulations is perseverance through faith. Your purpose in comforting me in my times of trouble is so that I can comfort those who find themselves in trouble. Your expectation is that I will comfort them in the same way I received Your comfort. Who can better comfort another person regarding a problem than the one who has gone through it. Or someone who has gone through the problem and come out successful on the other side. Comfort includes giving encouragement and hope in dealing with a problem. As I go through troubles and difficulties, knowing You are fair and just, I come to understand that what I am going through is for my good or Your glory. As a result, I am able to stand against adversity knowing I am not forgotten and my deliverance will come in Your perfect timing. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

John 16:33 In this world you will have trouble (tribulations). But take heart. I overcame the world.

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