You Are My Bread of Life

Most Gracious Lord, people eat bread to satisfy their physical hunger and sustain their physical life. I can only satisfy my spiritual hunger and sustain my spiritual life through a right relationship with You. Therefore, I see You as my “Bread of Life.” I eat bread to sustain my natural life and I invite You into my daily walk to sustain my spiritual life. Because You work in harmony with Your Father, I have the assurance that I am a welcomed part of Your family with its inherited benefits. Your purpose in coming to earth was to do the will of Your Father and not do Your own thing. As a follower, I should have the same purpose. A desire of Your Father was that You lose none of those given to You. Thus, if I make a sincere commitment to believe in You, I have the security of knowing that I will reap the promise of eternal life. You will never let me be overcome by Satan and lose my salvation.

In the Word, You declared “I am the bread of life.” You taught that the Jewish forefathers had eaten manna in the desert, yet they died. You went further to describe Yourself as the “bread come down from Heaven” which (as a believer) I could eat and never die. The bread You spoke of was Your flesh, which You offered for the life of the world. That is why, every time I go to communion and receive the bread made flesh, I do it in remembrance of You and what You did for me. You promised in Your Word that whoever eats Your flesh and drinks Your blood has eternal life and You will raise them up on the last day. As I partake of Your flesh and drink Your blood, I am in You and You are in me. I become united with You through my belief in Your death and resurrection and devoting myself to the life to which I have been called.

To eat Your flesh and drink Your blood is a rather shocking message for people to accept. Your explaining Your flesh in terms of bread and Your blood in terms of wine gives me a physical way of identifying with Your gift of Yourself as an offering for me. It seems to me that receiving Your body and blood in communion is more of a spiritual event than a physical event. The receipt of Your body and blood is my acknowledgement that Your life has become a part of mine. It is the Holy spirit that reveals this truth to me and enables me to respond to it. Some people are turned off by the thought of becoming a cannibal if they partake of Your flesh and blood. It is a matter of faith that must be accepted to receive the fullness of what is meant by receiving You in the form of bread and wine. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

John 6:51 I am the living bread that came down from Heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I give for the life of the world.

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