Stepping Up and Stepping Out

O Magnificent King of the Universe, I rejoice in the fact that You have promised that You will watch out for my well-being and care for my needs.  In the same way that a shepherd looks out for his flock, so you look after me.  You are my Rescuer in times of trouble and You Deliver me from the forces of darkness.  You have taken my hand and are guiding me into my “promised land”.  When we become separated, You reach out and draw me back to Yourself.  You have planted me in the good soil of Your wisdom so I can grow and mature.  Whenever turmoil and stress come upon me, You take me to a place where I can lie down in peace and rest from my struggles.  You feed me from Your bounteous harvest and You clothe me with the garments of praise.  You bind up all of my wounds and cause me to dwell in good health.  You protect me with Your justice and turn away all of my enemies.

When those I count on let me down, I will not despair.  Instead, I will remember that You are in control and Your promises tell me that I’m never forgotten.  That is why I am reassured … knowing that I can turn to You whenever I need help … and, be confident that you will not fail me.  With You in control, any tragedy that I encounter can be turned into a victory that produces good in my life.  As my Good Shepherd, You are unselfish and surround me with a hedge of protection.  You help separate me from my doubts, false teachings and sinful ways.  When I find myself in greatest need, I know I can count on You to come and help me.  Under the shadow of Your wings, I am able to find peace, contentment, fulfillment and safety.  In the light caused by Your purity, I am guided out of the wilderness and into a life filled with virtue and prosperity.  When my strength fails, it is Your strength that invigorates me.

To serve You faithfully, means that I must use my time, talents and treasure to serve You diligently in everything that I do.  I must learn how to do everything out of love for You.  I understand that You will ask of me no more or less than I can handle.  I never want my service to be done in laziness or with a bad attitude.  You have done so much for me that I want to put the same type of effort into my service to You.  The talents You have given to me are not for my benefit alone, but for conducting the matters of Your Kingdom with diligence and high expectations.  Your requirement is that the time and effort You pour into my life will be returned to You many times over.  Help me never make excuses for not doing the things You have called me to do.  You’ve stepped up and stepped out for me and I want to step up and step out for You.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work in us, to Him be the glory … forever and ever!  Amen.

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