The Power of Prayer and Your Protection

I praise You, O Lord, for my strength, my joy and my salvation.  In Your right hand, You hold power and justice.  In Your heart, You hold love and kindness.  You are generous and are willing to share all that You possess with me.  You show patience with my flaws and shortcomings and give me a chance to repent.  In Your endless concern for my welfare, You have made provision for my every need.  To protect me, You cover me with Your love and power.  My sincerest wish is for You to reign over my life forever.

A flaw which I acknowledge is that whenever troubles mount or circumstances turn against me,  I seem to find myself either complaining or asking “why me?”  I know that complaining does not reduce my stress and only causes distances to form between You and me.  Why is it I can’t submit myself and my needs to You in prayer because just talking to You helps a lot?  Waiting for Your answer seems to quiet my emotions and allows me to focus on Your response.  I do not understand why I am always asking for things and testing Your patience and love.  I know that there are times when careful thought, common sense reasoning or rearranging my priorities can help solve my problems but there are times that only going to You in prayer really gets to the heart of my issues.  When tough decisions come at me “head on”, help me turn to You and seek Your way to move forward.  Help me trust that You are big enough to handle any circumstance I face.  Turn my complaining into prayers.

Help me to never forget that You are My Rock and My Fortress … my place of safety.  You are the firm ground on which I am able to stand.  You alone are able to lift me above fray so that I can see things more clearly.  You are my high place and refuge from the storms in my life.  When I reach out to You, You love flows into me like a healing balm that calms my emotions and takes my pain away.  From Your cooperation in my life, I am able to draw strength and reestablish my bearings.  You are my reservoir from which I draw wisdom and discernment.  I am thankful for the fact You are always there for me.  You never intended for me to struggle alone with my demons and flaws.  When stress and temptations fill my life, You stand in the gap and take up my battle.  Is it any wonder that I feel safe and protected?  I know that for every obstacle that comes to block my path … You have a way around it.  When I cannot seem to bear my load any longer and I’m feeling vulnerable, You remind me that You are my strong right arm and wall of protection.  Thank You for hearing my prayers and coming to my defense.  And it’s in Jesus’ Name I pray.  AMEN!!

Psalm 143:1 O Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in Your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief.

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