The Purpose of Pentecost

Most Benevolent Lord, You gave the Apostles specific instructions for when you departed the earth that they should go into Jerusalem and await the gift Your Father had promised. When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. And, at that time, a mighty rushing wind came down from Heaven and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Instantly, they began speaking in the various tongues of those who heard them speak. From that day forward, You have poured out Your Spirit on all believers so they could go forth to share the Good News with unbelievers and help them trust their lives to You. Going forward, the Spirit has devoted Himself to empowering Your people to walk in the light that Your life brought to the earth. All of us can benefit from allowing the Third Person of the Trinity become active in our lives.

In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit worked through individuals to accomplish God’s ends. In the New Testament, the power, teachings, and comfort of the Holy Spirit has been given to all who are called by Your name. The promise You made was that You would ask the Father to send a Comforter who would be with believers forever. He would be our Spirit of Truth and reveal things to us that would help us understand Your character and walk in Your ways. He would live within us and be an active part of our lives. Your goal was to not leave me alone or feeling forsaken. Instead, there would be a power within me to guide me in doing what is pleasing to you. When the going gets tough, He will encourage me to persevere in my battles with evil and my flesh. The Spirit is a powerful force who works to support us in all things. His role is to stand with me providing comfort and counsel.

The arsenal of the Holy Spirit includes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against these no enemy can prevail. As I live by the Spirit and keep step with Him, He shows me how to prevail. The working of the Holy Spirit adds character to my life. The by-product of giving Him control is the flow of grace that draws me closer to You and helps me fulfill my calling. If I want the fruit of the Spirit to prosper and grow in me, I must join myself more closely to You. Through allowing the Spirit His way in my life, I get to know You better, fall more in love with You, and imitate the things You did when You were on earth. When I can do this, I am able to fulfill the purpose of Your coming … to love God with all my heart and my neighbor as myself. With the passing of time, I have come to understand the purpose of Pentecost. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

John 15:26 When the Comforter comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth who goes out from the Father, He will testify about me.

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