Dear Lord, throughout all of time You have created holidays and feasts to celebrate milestones and significant events in the lives of Your people. One of the more significant ones was the Passover Feast which celebrates the deliverance of Your own from bondage to an evil master. It serves as a reminder of the significant events celebrated in the feast … the meal of baked lamb (whose blood was the source of the covering placed over the people of Israel), the bitter herbs (a remembrance of the bitterness of their captivity) and the unleavened bread (a reminder that time was of the essence in their escape).
O Precious Lamb, perfect in every way. I accept Your blood as a covering over my sins and the price to ransom me from Hell. Your blood covers me totally and protects me from sin and death. Through Your blood, I have been redeemed … bought with a price. Through the power of Your blood, the Devourer, will pass over me. You have spared me great suffering through Your loving act of kindness and, for that, I am eternally grateful. Through Your work, I am a new creation … born once again in newness of spirit with You. My struggles only act to remind me that victories are possible through my belief in You.
O bitter herbs, you remind me of my failures so that I will not repeat them. Help me remember that the yoke of sin is detestable to You so that I will never want to take it up again. I no longer want to be a slave to the yearnings of my flesh, the lust of my eyes, the boasting of pride, the trappings of the world nor my vain imaginations. My true desire is to become a bond servant of Yours and a close confidant of the Holy Spirit.
O unleavened bread, help me remember that my life is fleeting and I must make every moment count for something good. I do not want to become entangled in a web of worldly distractions. Neither do I want to become a slave to my possessions. It is important for me to learn how to be flexible, adaptable and readily changed in order to reach my full potential. I must not be held back by fear and worry … instead, being prepared to move out quickly in faith.
I feel blessed to be a partaker in the observance of the Passover Feast. I give myself to You without reservation. I am thankful for Your Passover sacrifice which saved me from the powers of sin and death by Your unselfish act of love. I am forever indebted to You for my gift of eternal life and the good things that flow from it. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I Corinthians 5:7 For Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed.