This is The Day

Most Generous and Loving Lord, I want to thank You for the gift of another day. My greatest privilege in life is to proclaim the wonder of belonging to You. Your Word declares that You are good, and Your love endures forever. When I was drowning in sin and cried out for Your help, You answered by freeing me from its power and providing me with eternal life. In so doing, You assured me of a lasting bond between us that would endure throughout eternity. In You, I have a helper who will get me through whatever adversity I face. You are my refuge and I trust You with all my heart. When evil attacks me from every side, like a swarm of bees, I know I can count on You to come quickly to my aid. You are my strength and the One who enables me to overcome evil and whatever seems to be impossible. I find myself regularly giving You praise for the many blessings You add to each day.

Men place confidence in their employer, friends, money, or other things that will ultimately fail them. I have come to realize that You are the only One I can trust. As a result, I have opened my heart to Your guidance knowing everything will come out for the best. I now see each day as an opportunity to know You better and improve my life so it can become more like Yours. You are the center of my life and the person who holds everything in it together. There are days when the last thing I want to do is rejoice in it. My mood is down, everything seems to be getting out of hand and circumstances are overwhelming me. But no matter how low I get, when I talk things out with You everything seems to get better as Your light shines into my inner darkness. In You alone am I able to find a reason to rejoice regardless of what my circumstances are.

You have made it very clear that I should not worry about life … what I will eat, drink, or wear. To You, my life is more important than all of these things. If I keep my focus on You … recognizing how special each day is that You give me to live … and acknowledging the reason You put me on the earth … I will be able to rejoice in it. Worry adds nothing to my life … and honestly, shows I do not really trust You. In seeking more of You, I am assured that all the things I need to survive will be provided. Therefore, I will not be overcome with worry about tomorrow because Your provision is all I need to make it through the day. When my day becomes stressful, I will fill my mind with Your teachings, Your pattern of living, and how I can go about obeying Your commands. With this attitude, I can rejoice and be glad about every day You give me to live on this earth. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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