Most Worthy King, in Your first coming, You were sent by Your Heavenly Father to fulfill His promise to send a Savior who would rescue mankind from the power of sin and the eternal flames of Hell. You came to judge and condemn sin and offer an eternal pardon to those who would accept You as their Lord. You also came to teach me how to walk uprightly and love others as You did. In turning my life over to You, I’m beginning to learn how to act in ways that You came to show me. Because I am surrounded by a hostile and corrupt world, I need Your guidance to navigate it and the power to walk in ways You will approve. I need to be taught how to turn away from my selfish ways and begin to live selflessly as You did. In leaving sin behind, I need Your help in developing instincts that show Your unconditional love. You have shown me mercy and love and I’d like to do the same to others.
In the same way that You bore fruit with Your life, I’d like to do the same with mine. You were endued with the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish Your mission. This power came in the form of knowledge, wisdom and understanding, wise counsel, and righteous living. I want those same things to infuse my life. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit allowed You to see and hear beyond the natural realm into the spiritual one. Every follower of Yours should desire to develop these same abilities. As I mature and my motives become pure, I will be able to judge righteously regarding those individuals who are a part of my life. As You grew from a child into an adult, You developed the skills and abilities needed to fulfill the mission for which You had been sent to earth to fulfill. I want to learn and develop my abilities to fulfill the mission that You sent me to fulfill.
I anxiously await Your Second Coming when You return to reign over the earth. Days when the wolf will live alongside the lamb and the leopard will lie down with the goat. The calf will feed with the bear and their young will live together in peace. When the human child will put its hand into the vipers nest it will not be bitten. It’s a time when harm and destruction will not exist because the earth will be filled with Your goodness. In that day You will stand before all of mankind as their King and they will bow down in submission to You. It will be a time with no conflict and the world will be filled with peace. In the same way that You dried up the Red Sea so Your people could cross over to the promised land, there will be no barriers preventing Your own from coming to You, falling at Your feet, and adoring You as their triumphant King. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I Corinthians 15:22-24 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own turn: Christ the first fruits; then, when He comes, those who belong to Him. Then the end will come, when He hands over the Kingdom to God the Father after He has destroyed all dominion, authority and power.