To God Be the Glory

I praise and adore You, O Holy One, for the heavens proclaim Your glory and the earth gives testimony to Your handiwork.  I openly declare Your awesomeness, Your loving concern for Your creation and the splendor and beauty of Your holiness.  You are to be exalted above the heavens and Your glory broadcast throughout the earth.  Because of all the good things You’ve done for me, I will bless Your name forever.  You are robed in majesty and clothed in power and might.  You are faithful to me in all things and all You do is righteous and honorable.  I am moved by the genuine concern You have for my life.  Your wondrous works never cease to amaze me and the flow of good things from You is endless.   Your light has given warmth and hope to me whenever I face distress.  I give thanks to You for the tender care with which You help me through life’s problems.

O Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth.  It is by Your hands that I was formed and, by Your will, I was given life.  I am comforted in the knowledge that Your eyes are continually on the lookout for opportunities to intervene in my life.  You are My Rock and the sure foundation on which I’ve built my life.  It is through Your strength that I am protected from evil and kept safe from harm.  With You by my side, there is no mountain too high for me to climb, no river too wide for me to cross or no race I cannot run and win.  Your ways are loftier than mine but that will not stop me from striving to make Your ways my ways.  You are an awesome God who through miracles and other wondrous works has shown me both Your power and Your will to do whatever it takes to move my life forward.  You understand me better than I ever dreamed possible and I am confident that You can fix whatever is broken in my life.

Without Your involvement, all living things would perish.  You lift the spirits of the down trodden, You give hope to those who have lost theirs and You brush aside the obstacles that Your people face.  I trust that in Your strength and might You will do battle, on my behalf, against the forces of evil who try to steal the blessings You’ve provided to me.  All of Your ways are pure and all that You do is motivated by unconditional love.  Because You are the source of all good things, I know that when I have a need I will be given Your best.  I bow before You because You have proven the depth of Your love by suffering and dying for my sins.  In the power of Your resurrection, I have been separated from sin/evil and the bounties of Heaven have been poured out on me.  For all these reasons, I give You all glory and honor.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Psalm 57:5 Be exalted, O God, above all the heavens; let Your glory be above all the earth.

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