Glory to You, O Great King, for You have done wondrous things for Your people. By dying for my sins, You obtained my salvation. When You arose from the dead, so did my hope for a triumphant life. Now that You have made a way for me … my role is to accept it, commit to it and live by it. In Your love, I will grow and mature into an ambassador of Your goodwill. Joy has flooded my life and fear and hopelessness have been banished. You are My Good Shepherd and I am learning to discern Your voice and obey it. Help me see Your involvement in all of my strivings. Expand my life so I can live it to the fullest … listening to Your commands and living Your way. You are the Potter … I am the clay … form me into a vessel ready for Your service. I know that if love dwells in my heart, You are there. Help me resist those things that pull me away from You and distract me from my focus on You.
I once lived in darkness, but You rescued me and the light of Your life shines into my heart and mind … renewing them both. Peace now dwells in my inner-man because I have come to believe and trust in You. When I partake of Your Body and Blood, I am renewed inside. Your very presence moves me to change my motives and inclinations. I am thankful for the deliverance You brought in my life and I am now nourished through Your Word. My walk is strengthened and fortified by Your presence within me. I have found shelter in Your peace and my life is filled with a joy that can only be found in You. I once was hopelessly bound by sin and self, but now I am free to walk in Your wisdom and might. I rejoice in the times I am able to overcome temptation and my battles with the Devil because it is a sign that You are actively transforming my thoughts and actions.
I live content in the assurance of Your love for me. As A Good Shepherd, I know You will keep me safe and show me the way I am to go. In the same way that You triumphed in Your life, so am I the “first fruits” of the overcoming power You earned for me by Your death and resurrection. I am pleased by the fact that You gave me the Holy Spirit to guide and shape me into a functioning advocate of Your ways. In Your love and mercy, You subdued the fear that comes to haunt me … You strengthened me to stand when I am weak … and, You gave substance to my faith. When I go through trials and difficulties, it is You who calms my troubled heart and wipes away my tears. Under Your guidance, I can feel my life being changed for the better. As You open Your Word to me, I see my options more clearly. Surely You have touched my heart and, each day, I am being transformed by Your love. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Colossians 3:10 … take off your old self with its practices and put on the new self which is renewed in the image of the Creator.