Great are You, O Lord, and worthy of my unending praise. You are gracious and compassionate toward me … slow to anger and rich in love. You are always good to me and Your tenderness cannot be matched. Your Kingdom is everlasting and Your dominion endures throughout the ages. You are faithful to do all that You promise and You never let me down. I look to You as the Supplier of all my needs and You provide them at just the right time. You uphold me when I stumble and You lift me up when I fall down. Your open hands share with me all that You have … You withhold nothing. You satisfy my desires when they are pure and motivated by a will to do good. You are righteous in all of Your ways and encourage me to emulate You in everything I do. You are attentive to my cries for help and You always come to my rescue because You are tireless in Your efforts to keep me safe and prospering.
It is in Your nature to heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. Your power is limitless and Your understanding of Your people has no limits. You sustain me because I humble myself before You and I’m appreciative for all that You do for me. You covered the earth with clouds that give forth rain to sustain the growth of everything on the earth. You provide Your grace to sustain me and Your love to help me grow. You bring peace when everything around me seems to be falling apart. You reveal Yourself to me through Your Word and I search it diligently to learn more about You and Your ways. You have assured me that I am spending time on the right thing because the world will pass away but Your words will not. I believe You take delight in me when I walk in step with You, obeying all Your commands … and as my reward, You give me salvation.
I am counting on Your protection from the wiles of my enemy who is always perfecting his lies and deceits. I look to the Holy Spirit to steer me away from the snares that the Devil has laid out to trap me. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I know I will get past them and on to a place of safety. I count on You being my refuge and place of safety. When I need Your intercession, You rescue me from my circumstances and pursuers. When I am stumble, You steady me and guide me back home. You are my strength when I am weak. You are the One who helps me exceed anything I thought I could ever do. It is consoling to recall the many times You have interceded for me during my life. You bring me hope in the morning and contentment at the end of each day. For all these things, I gladly give You my praise. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 145:1-2 I will exalt You, My God, the King; I will praise Your name for ever and ever. Everyday I will praise You and extol Your name for ever and ever.