My Heavenly King, through Your servant Joshua who told Your people “Decide today who you will serve” and truly that question is one that I all must answer. Joshua was afraid that God’s chosen people would depart from their God because of the pagan environment they were going into, and the uncertainty associated with establishing a new home. Today we face obstacles in our daily lives as well. We are faced with those who are indifferent to a “supreme” being and who are committed to deriving power. To be an example of fidelity to the One and Only God, Joshua proclaimed “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Peter had a little more matter-of-fact way of stating his decision to follow the You when he said, “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Peter pretty much said what I know in our heart to be true – there is no other way.
With a spirit of humility, I must choose wisely the ways of my Lord. Time after time, I have seen Your goodness poured into my life. My demonstration of faith in You boils down to trusting in Your goodness. What I have observed is that You are right and just and are faithful to do the things You said You would do. As I have sought You, You have responded and delivered me from the things I was concerned would overcome me. You have promised me many things, but most of them require my active participation. You have promised to deliver me from fear and worry … to help me overcome my troubles … to guard and protect me … to show me Your goodness … to supply all my needs … and to redeem me from the fires of hell. More blessings accrue to me as I seek a deeper relationship with You, come to You with my needs, and trust You with all my heart.
Your words are pure and truthful, and they reassure me of Your presence and power to assist me in prevailing over my flesh and the influences of evil. Your advice to me when I am going through hell is to “keep going.” I can only do that with the assurance of Your standing with me and helping me with Your power and strength. It is Your standing with me that gives me the confidence to patiently persevere when difficulties come into my life. Your promise to never leave or abandon me gives me the assurance to keep up the good fight of faith. Your commitment to be with me in all things gives me the courage and fortitude I need to be an overcomer. Guide me in my ways and help me shine the light of Your goodness into a world steeped in darkness. It is trust in You and Your assurances that keep me on course. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 62:8 Trust in Him at all times, O People; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.