We The People (A Prayer for our Day)

O Mighty Warrior, guide us as we seek to protect ourselves from the terror prompted by those who hate our Christian values.  Help our leaders become sensitive and on-guard for the next wave of attacks that will be launched against us … both from without and from within.  Help us be able to think quickly, act nimbly and be alert to deny the attacks rather than responding sluggishly in denial or becoming overly reactive.  Give us leaders who will inspire and unite us rather than wanting to divide us and place blame where it does not belong.  Make our leaders realize they are stewards of our rights and overseers of our well-being so they will act with resolve and sound judgement to protect us.

Raise up those who will courageously seek new and better solutions for our dilemmas regarding world peace and fanatics who wish to do us harm.  May those in the government, business leaders and the man-in-the-street join hands and begin to dialogue regarding “real” solutions and avoid political correctness and subversive agendas.  What we do not need is knee-jerk reactions to problems for which You are the one with meaningful solutions.  Like the dead, dry bones of the Old Testament, speak new life into the politicians and people of this nation so we will stand up courageously to be counted when it comes to dealing with issues like porous borders, hostile forces dedicated to our destruction and the polarization and paralysis of our government due to unyielding ideologies.

Show us the way to protect ourselves while adjusting to a more dangerous world around us.  Help us be welcoming of those who come into this country with a desire to uphold our values.  Show us the way to be fair and just in dealing with those who have entered our country illegally.  Over the next several months, there will be many political discussions centered around choosing a new President and Congressional Representatives.  Give us the wisdom to discern who it is that You want us to support.  Open our eyes to see the ones who speak the truth and have our country’s well-being at the heart of their campaigns.  Give us ears to hear, eyes that see and a mind that can clearly perceive what is needed.  For we the people need You more than ever.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Psalm 143:9 Rescue me from my enemies, O Lord, for I hide myself in You.

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