When I Am Tempted

Most Beloved Son of God, why is it that I do not do the things I should and, the things I know are not good, I keep doing?  I’m like a man who walks down a street and falls into a hole at which time I fumble around in the dark and eventually find a way out.  At other times, I’m like a man walking down the street pretending not to see the hole and when I fall into it I flail away until I finally find my way out.  While at other times, I’m a man walking down a street and fall into a hole and claim it’s not my fault.  Why don’t I just walk down a different street?  The hole in the road, of course, is my sins that so easily overcome me and whose deceptions continue to entrap me.  Living with sin is very frustrating and I find myself continually asking “why do I keep repeating the same old sins like a mindless robot?”  Why do I continue doing what is sinful … knowing that it hurts You … and is something I do not really want to do?

While I strive to obey Your laws, I still find myself in rebellion against them.  My hope in overcoming the evil I find in my life rests totally with You.  By Your death and resurrection You wiped away Satan’s power and hold on me.  The only way that he can maintain it is if I allow him to do it.  Despite his defeat on Calvary, he still is committed to seducing me with sin … therefore, my enemy is ever-present.  I believe that when I am tempted, You fight alongside of me … so why do I fail?  In thinking about my dilemma, it’s becoming increasingly clear how important it is to know Your Word and stand on it.  Your Word acts as a shield to deflect the arrows of temptation the enemy fires at me.  As I familiarize myself with Your Word, I am surrounded by Your grace with its ability to sustain me and lead to victory.  In order to cooperate with You, I must strive to stay away from the things that lead me to sin.

I realize that sin cloaks itself in something that seems good, but when looked at more closely, it is ugly and leads to destruction.  As long as I live, I know that temptation and sin will remain an ever-present force to be dealt with.  However, I also know that You are an ever-present help.  By remaining close to You, my radar will always be on high alert to detect incoming threats.  Through Your forgiveness, I’ve been given the freedom to live a life of victory.  I must make the choice each day to follow in Your footsteps and not follow the crumbs that lead to traps set to ensnare me.  In acknowledging my fleshly weakness and accepting Your offer to change me, I know I can become a better person.  Transform me into the person You had in mind when I was given life.  And, when I am tempted to give in to sin, remind me that Your grace is always sufficient.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Romans 8:5 Those who live according to their sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

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