O Gracious Lord, what am I to do when life becomes too much and all hope is lost? I go through my days trying to dodge disaster after disaster. Everything around me seems dark and ominous and I feel helpless. Poverty has overwhelmed me … sickness hounds me day and night … and, troubles gather outside my door like a pack of wolves. In my times of need, I cannot find a friend to give me a helping hand. I feel like a boat at sea that has lost its power. I drift about … not knowing where I am going. It is hard for me to get motivated about anything. Everything I do to correct my life seems to fall apart like a glass shattering as it hits the floor. My heart is heavy because my life is filled with disappointments and failure. Mistakes abound as I make poor choices. I came from nothing and I’m still there. Life has lost its meaning and I question why I’m even here? Where do I go for relief? Who can show me the way to a good life and abundance?
Then I recall the fact that You’ve invited me to come to You when I grow tired from the heavy burden that life has placed upon my shoulders … for You have assured me that Your yoke is sweet and Your burden is light. Your promise makes me wonder, why are my burdens oppressive and heavy? As I reflect, I begin to see that my poor estate is the fruit of bad choices and even worse advice. So what must I do to set myself free so that I can begin my journey back to prosperity and good health? And I remember again Your invitation to come to You so that You can hoist my troubles and heartache upon Your shoulders and lead me to a place of refreshing and renewal. Give me the will, O Lord, to once again want to deal with my problems … with Your help, of course. Show me the way I must go and empower me with Your strength to repent of my bad decisions and evil ways.
You alone are my Rescuer and the Lifter of my Burdens. You are the One I am counting on to lead me out of my malaise … out of my darkness and defeat … into the Promised Land of light, hope and victory. Without You I am nothing. I need Your friendship and steady hand to get me through my mess. If You walk with me, I will be filled with hope and I will find the courage to change my circumstances so my life can get better. If I can get my faith going again, I’ll be able to move my life forward by focusing on Your promises and not my obstacles. Through my faith in You, what seemed impossible will become doable. And, my heaviness will turn into joy as I see us moving my life along. My dreams of good health, prosperity and victory … which seemed so far away yesterday … is coming closer to reality today. That is why, when my life becomes too much, I will always turn to You in prayer. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.