Most Beloved Lord, many have pondered over who You are. Some thought of You as a “good man” … and surely You were the best whoever lived. Others thought You suffered from delusions of grandeur … because You dared to declare Yourself equal to God. Some called You a “teacher”, while others thought You were an “egomaniac” and still others thought of You as “misguided.” All would agree, however, that You made a lasting mark on mankind. Peter was the first to recognize who You were when he declared You to be the “Son of the living God.” He came to that knowledge through a revelation of the Holy Spirit … just as we come to that knowledge today. The rest of us came to know who You are after Your death through the awakening that occurred on Pentecost. Your Word tells me that You were a man who came in the flesh, but was also the embodiment of the One Who Sent You.
As God, You came as a light shining into the darkness that engulfed all of mankind. The light You radiated was one of hope and welcoming. In it Your purity and holiness came forth and, like a moth, we were drawn to it as it revealed who You were. It also radiated the warmth, love and acceptance that existed in Your heart and wanted us to experience. In You, I’ve found a source of unconditional love that accepts me as I am and offers me a way to better myself for You, myself and the those you’ve put into my life. By Your example, You’ve shown me a way to comfort, peace and forgiveness which will reside in my heart if I choose to follow in Your footsteps. Because of Your loving efforts, I’ve been allowed to become a part of the family of the Almighty God and made a joint heir with You. Praise to You My Savior!!
Through the offering of Yourself, You’ve given me a pathway to eternal life and the power to overcome my obstacles here on earth. In the newness of life that You gave me, I’ve been empowered to overcome evil and see that there is more in life that comes from serving You than serving myself. You are my defender from all harm and in exchange You ask for my obedience and willingness to serve. In living for You, You’ve shown me a better way … one of loving concern for others, selfless service to the needy, purity in my thought and actions and patient forbearance. Your concern for me and my welfare motivates me to draw closer to You so that Your ways become mine. I rejoice in our “oneness” and I look to You as my guide in living and my redeemer in death. Each day, I am coming to realize more and more who You are and I’m filled with a desire to serve You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Matthew 15-16 …”Who do you say I AM? Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”