O Gracious Lord, speak to me because I am listening for Your call and I will respond to whatever good work You want me to do. I know that You have promised to pour out Your love and make Your thoughts known to me if I will respond to it. I agree that at one time I was far from You, but now I’ve accepted Your call to draw near through Your precious blood which has redeemed my life and made me worthy of being called Your own. I must now I live up to Your invitation to become a living part of Your body by practicing humility, patience, kindness and unconditional love toward those You’ve placed in my life. As I respond, I must be willing to do whatever is Your good pleasure and live by faith. As I set out to meet the goals You’ve set for me, I am counting on Your guidance and teachings to make me successful. How well I do on my journey depends on focusing on You and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
In considering living up to Your calling, I’ve come to realize it’s not a calling, but many callings. They include: Becoming a peacemaker which earns me an inheritance … no longer being just a servant, instead, being deemed a friend … having intimate dialogue with you each day … being rescued from the power of sin, death and my fleshly desires … becoming a recipient of the many blessings You want to shower upon me … being restored, made strong and empowered to stand firm against the attacks of my enemies … becoming unshakable in my devotion to You … becoming Your chosen and faithful follower … and, being declared a saint, which indicates the closeness of our relationship. You’ve given me so many ways to draw closer to You and step into the role You’ve destined for me when I was born. My desire is to respond …”here I am Lord.”
I know that unless I come to You like a small child, I will never be able to reap the rewards of Your Kingdom. My walk must be built on trusting You in everything I do and realizing that I am just an empty shell without Your substance in my life. With honor and pride, I take my place as one of Your chosen ones … for many are called, but few are chosen. Because of Your grace and my conformity to You will, I am now a “chosen one”. As Your “very own”, You shower me with the riches of an heir … with my title of heir coming through Your sacrifice on my behalf. As Your child, goodness and mercy follow me every day that I live. Taking Your commands seriously and living them out has filled me with feelings of safety and peace. Because of the specialness of Your love, I will never say “who me?” whenever You call. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.