Why a Triune God?

All honor and glory is given to You, O Heavenly Father, for Your wisdom is vast and too great to be comprehended.  When comparing the wisdom of Solomon to Yours, it is like a drop in the ocean.  You conceived the plan for the creation of the world and everything in it … and, everything surrounding it … and, You gave it life.  In Your infinite wisdom, You even had a backup plan in mind to save Your people in case Adam and Eve could not live up to the responsibilities You had given them.  Because of Your great love for Your people, You sacrificed Your only Son to redeem them through His death, burial and resurrection.  Through Him You sent me a tangible sign of Your love and desire to share Yourself with me.  Like a concerned parent, You sent the Holy Spirit to teach me and guide me through the pitfalls I’d face in my life.  Truly, You are the Most High God!!

All glory and honor is Yours, O Sacrificial Lamb of God, for You left the comfort of Your heavenly estate … came down to live among Your people … shared with us the mysteries and treasures of Heaven … and, in devoted obedience to Your Father, laid down Your life for mine.  I know that I cannot make up for all that You had to suffer on my behalf, but I will show You my appreciation by walking uprightly and spreading the Good News of the Gospel.  I am seeing my life change as I implement the truths You shared with me through Your words and actions.  As a result, I’m beginning to understand why it is better to give than to receive … that planting good seed leads to an abundant life … and, how the joy attained through knowing You will give me the strength to withstand any test.  Truly, You are an Awesome God!!

Praise and thanksgiving is Yours, O Faithful Teacher and Guide, for You stand with me each day (in good times and bad) encouraging me and showing me how to be an overcomer.  Help me start each day by asking You to accompany me and help me in making good choices with my life.  It is You who has washed away my sins and renewed my spirit so that I can walk uprightly in Your ways … victorious and brave.  Help me in my times of weakness … because my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak.  I know that if I let You lead me, I will do good and become a light shining into the darkness that is all around me.  You are full of wisdom, able to teach me many things and My Comforter who soothes the pains I endure.  I am so blessed to have You, the Father and the Son in my life and I am now in a better place to understand why I need a Triune God.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Matthew 6:9 Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be they name …

Mark 1:11 And a voice came from Heaven:  “You are my Son, whom I love; with whom I am well pleased.

Luke 12:12 For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what to say.

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