O Glorious Lord and Master, when life tosses me about like a cork in a raging sea, You are there to pluck me from the water. Your desire is to release me from the things that always seem to hold me back. Anytime I run into problems, You offer Your hand to deliver me. Regardless of whether my problems are large or small, You have the power and will to deal with them. Through the working of the Holy Spirit, You guide me into a life filled with prosperity and blessings. When sin comes to stifle up my life, Your grace allows me to break free and continue to keep moving forward. My commitment and allegiance is to You and there is no place for compromise with the world. Your blood was poured out to save me … cleanse me … and, make me whole. It’s a sign of my belonging to You. Because of our close relationship, I never question whether You are standing with me … providing protection and care.
If I listen carefully to Your voice and do what is right … if I pay attention to Your commands and do as You ask … I know that You will cover me with blessings and meet all of my needs. Fear and worry have no place in my life because they have been banished by believing in You … for Your love casts out fear. I know that whenever I cry out to You, You are always there. My time spent with You in private is important because, in Your presence, I am shown Your purpose for my life … and, I can see the things You will do to help me maintain the balance essential to a meaningful life. I use these times with You for refreshing, remembering all the things You’ve done for me and listening intently for Your instructions. You have called me to be holy … separated from the world … and, visually distinguishable as belonging to You. If I walk with You daily, You help me live in accordance with Your will, remain attentive to Your commands and receive the guidance I need to live a good life. As a result, Your blessings are poured out over me, my life becomes fruitful and I live in safety and peace.
Because of Your faithfulness, You never forget Your covenants and promises to me. In them, I am secure in the knowledge that You will be with me always … causing me to rejoice and praise You with all my heart. I am confident that You will help me whenever my load becomes too heavy. As You share Your goodness with me, Your expectation is that I will share mine with others. When I am lost or confused, You are my refuge and my strength … my constant help in times of trouble. I am blessed in knowing that You never grow tired or weary of helping me out of my jams and Your understanding is unmatched. You give me courage when I have none and You restore my hope so I can persevere. You are my champion and You never let me down. Thank You for always being there when I need You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I Corinthians 1:9 God, who called you into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ, is faithful.