You Are Lord

Most Loving and Gracious Lord, it is easy to complain about life when things do not go my way. However, there are so many things that You have brought into my life for which I owe You praise … forgiveness for my sins … healing my body of disease and afflictions … redeeming me from the pit of Hell … filling my life with love and compassion … meeting all my needs … showing me how to live uprightly … to name only a few. You have blessed me with many things and I deserve none of them. No matter how difficult my journey becomes I can always count on You to be there for me. Your Word gives me a clear picture of who You are and what Your wishes are for my life. You have given me the Holy Spirit to prepare me to serve You and follow in Your ways. Your Word provides me with the way to know Your will and Your ways. I bask in Your compassion, graciousness, and abounding love.

I appreciate that You do not deal with me as my sins dictate and repay me according to my sins. For as high as the heavens are above the earth so great is Your love since I have decided to commit my life to You. I rejoice in the fact that as far as the east is from the west You have removed my transgressions from Your memory once I have confessed them and have asked for Your forgiveness. You know my inner thoughts and desire well because You formed me and gave me life. I am so fragile and You are so strong. I am here for a moment and You are eternal. I am thankful that when You examine my life, You consider my human condition with all its weaknesses. Your mercy is just like You and takes all things into account. I have willingly placed my life into Your hands because I trust You. I know You will stand by me as I fulfill my part of the covenant that I made with You.

My innermost being cries out to You “Hosanna in the highest.” You are my great and mighty Lord who has clothed Himself in splendor and majesty. Your light emanates from Your glory and shines out into a dark world. The clouds are Your chariots and You ride upon the wind. You established the earth and everything in it. You water the earth from on high and cause life to spring forth from every living thing. As a good steward You watch over Your creation and most importantly me. In Your great wisdom, You put forces into play that govern the earth and cause it to prosper. All of creation looks to You for Your love and care. Whenever my faith wanes, I only need to recall the awesome deeds You have done across the ages to help Your people to be renewed. I am so glad that I have been given the chance to accept You as my Lord and I will try to live up to that high calling. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Psalm 9:10 Those who know Your name trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.

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