You, My Merciful King, are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are the breeze that fills the sails of my life and guides me through uncharted waters. You show me Your goodness and steer me away from the evil toward safe harbors. You show me how to navigate around the storms that try to drown my hopes and aspirations. And You show me the way past the jagged rocks of selfishness, greed and passion that threaten to sink me. You are the wind beneath my wings which allows me to soar above my problems. You lift me above their burdens and You give me strength for the remainder of my voyage. Your love makes my problems seem small and far away. You are the fresh scent of flowers that delights me and helps me sense Your closeness. The fresh fragrance of Your essence invites me to come closer into a more intimate relationship with You, My Bridegroom.
You are the best thing that has happened to me and meeting You has changed my life forever. You freed me from the bondage of sin and death and given me hope. You showed me that while I may be down, I am never out. You’ve filled me with Your loving compassion and created in me a desire to share it with others. You are my daily companion … walking with me and sharing in the events of my day. You see my struggles with sin and turmoil and You help me overcome them. You share in my joys and victories … and watch gleefully as Your blessings shower down upon me. You are my trusted confidant in whom I share my deepest feelings, happiest moments and saddest memories. You are my shoulder to cry on … my quiet, attentive listener when I need to unload … and the one who always speaks the truth to me in love. You live out my pains and anguish with me and help me through my toughest days.
You are My Righteous Protector and Savior of My Soul. You are both my front and rear guard. You keep me from harm and impede danger from overtaking my life. You never stray far from my side because You do not want evil to deceive me into straying from the safety of Your arms. You assign angels to keep me from stumbling over tragedies and heartaches that try to steal my hope and destroy my faith. You are truly the best thing that has ever happened to me and my life will never be the same. I know that through You all things are possible and even my most grievous mistakes can be turned into good. You are My Knight in Shining Armor, Counselor in Times of Trouble and Covering and Strong High Place to which I run from threatening storms. You are faithful to me in all of Your ways and You fill me with Your love. I will faithfully stay by Your side forever because You are the best thing that has ever happened to me … and to who else would I go? And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalms 31:19 How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You, which You bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in You.