Most Compassionate Lord, how I marvel at Your promise … “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” (Isaiah 46:4) This solidifies for me Your promise to be with me always and to get me through whatever I face. There is nothing more reassuring than a promise from You because You are truthful. During difficult times, Your words breath life and hope into my sagging spirit. Throughout Your Word You make it clear that You are faithful, always near and ready to rescue me. Even though I go through moments when I feel like giving up, knowing You are there causes me to exercise patience, persistence, and hope. Faith and determination, along with Your help, get through tough times. Prayer offers me the opportunity to open up and get You involved.
Through Your suffering, death, and resurrection You have made a sizeable investment in rescuing and restoring my life. I anxiously await Your instructions each day on how I can better serve You and others. Through Your love, when I feel like I have nothing, I really have everything I need. Separated from You, I feel lost and adrift. With You, my life is full and has meaning. The beauty of belonging to You is that I never feel I am forgotten or neglected. Even though crushing events enter my life, I cling to Your promises as though they were life vests because I have Your promise that nothing would come into my life that I could not handle. Trials of faith are just that … exercises in faith building and evidence of how far I have come in Your strength. I can survive whatever comes into my life because of Your compassion and the special place I have in Your heart. Your love assures me I will never be alone.
Your timely support sustains me through my darkest times and my greatest needs. To understand the extent of Your help, I need only recall those tough times in my life from which You delivered me. What I need to accept is that difficulties will be a part of my life because they were a part of Yours. Because You came out on top, I know that I will also. The intensity of my sorrow and sadness can only be overcome by the joy of the Lord which strengthens me. Many will refuse Your offer of tender and loving care, but I (and other believers) want to reside under Your protective covering and divine providence. The price You paid to set me free inspires my resolve and motivation to resist sin and become more like You. As I adhere to Your commands and do not stray from Your Word, I will be spared from unnecessary catastrophes, and I will rest comfortably in Your care. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 142:4-5 Look to the right and see; no one is concerned for me. I have no refuge; no one cares for my life. But I cry to You, O Lord, and say “You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.”