You Have Said

Dear Heavenly Visitor, You made Your purpose on earth very clear when You said “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”  As The Way, You are my only path to a meaningful relationship with Your Father.  In order to become The Way, You had to submit Yourself and Your will to Your Heavenly Father.  To accept You as My Way, I must submit myself and my will to You.  You are my visible, tangible image of the invisible God.  You are a complete revelation of who He is and the way He wants me to approach Him.  To know Him is to know You … to know His way is to know Your way.  If I follow in Your footsteps, I know that I will be following the road to prosperity, safety and love. 

As The Truth, You are the reality of all that Your Father has promised to me.  As I draw closer to You and gaze into the purity of Your heart, I will be able to recognize the honesty with which Your words are spoken.  And, I realize that Your words are a lamp that provides light to my feet so I can walk uprightly and avoid stumbling in the darkness.  If I hold steadfastly to the teachings contained in Your Word, I will understand what is really true and that knowledge will release me from the encumbrances and fog I find myself in when I listen to the vain babblings of the world and the deceptions of my enemy.  You set the standard for what is right.  Your words are the keys that set me free from the consequences of my sins, self-deceptions and lies of my enemy.  You have shown me the way to live righteously and inherit eternal life.  And the Spirit of Truth has been given to me to teach me the meaning of Your words … to show me how to walk in them … and, reminding me that I am loved.

I rejoice in Your gift of eternal life and Your promise of a life filled with abundance.  Finding the path to eternal life is made hard by the fact that there is only one way to attain it … believing in You.  And, if I love the life of the world more than the one You offer, I soon discover how empty it is.  I realize that I get the most out of life when I let go of the world and follow You.  What an example of selflessness You left when You gave Yourself as a ransom for me.  Your life was the price You paid to release me from bondage and allow me to share eternity with You.  In contrast to the thief who comes to steal from me, You came to give.  I bask in the life that You’ve given me which is richer and fuller than anything the world has to offer.  My life with You is lived on a higher plane because of Your overflowing forgiveness and love.  That is why I cling to everything You say.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

John 14:6 Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”

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