Have mercy on me, O Great Healer, for I have walked faithfully before You, in whole-hearted devotion, striving to do the things that are good in Your sight. Heal my body, heal my finances and heal the pain I feel in my heart. My spirit has been broken and my strength has forsaken me. My faith is wavering and I need to hear Your voice. Say then to me, O God, “I have heard Your prayers and seen your tears. I will reach down my hand to touch your infirmities and heal you.” My life has been plagued with sorrow and sickness. I have borne this burden for some time knowing that, if I could only reach out and touch You, I would be made whole. In my desperation, I have no place to turn but to You. Listen to my cries … apply the sweet balm of Your love … and, restore me to wholeness. I trust that You will stand with me … able to defend me from my enemies … able to give me peace in the middle of turmoil … and, able to prosper me and provide me with good health.
I believe with all my heart that, because of my faith in You, any form of healing I need is made available to me. I confess, with a contrite heart, a need for Your healing touch, Your loving encouragement and Your gentle peace. I am thankful that You have put into place the laws and forces of nature that can make me whole … spiritually, mentally, bodily and materially. I know that in following the guidance contained in Your Word, seeking out wise counsel and addressing my problems head on, You will put me on a path toward solid footing. Help me trust that those You put in my path will help me endure my suffering and will share with me the benefits of their wisdom, faith and experiences. In Your hands, along with those I trust, I know I will be restored and given a testimony regarding Your loving kindness and mercy.
I accept the fact that You are sovereign in responding to my prayers. The answers I seek may not be what I hoped for but I can expect Your answers will be in accordance with Your will for my life. I want You to know that my heart is open to whatever Your plans may hold for me and I am confident that they include a healing of afflictions. I believe that as my God, You have the power to do all things. My desire is to have You by my side during my times of difficulties and trials … comforting me … restoring my faith … and, strengthening me to handle the struggles that I will face. Use my commitment to You as an opportunity to expand my faith and draw me into a closer union with You. Help me feel Your love and fill me with an overflowing abundance of it so it will spill into every aspect of my life and out unto the lives of others. Fill me with Your grace, help me accept Your will for my life and give me a big dose of Your divine healing. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I Peter 2:24 He Himself bore our sins in His body upon a tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed.