Your Gifts and My Response

My Benevolent Savior, my life is a gift for which You expect a return. You make this clear in the parable of the servants and the talents.  In that story, the master goes away on a journey and entrusts his property to three servants.  To one he gives 5 talents … another 2 talents … and, a third 1 talent.  While the master is away, the 1st servant invests the 5 talents and doubles them.  The 2nd servant does the same and doubles his 2 talents.  The 3rd servant, out of fear, buries his talent.  Upon his return, the master demands an accounting where the 1st servant returns 10 talents, the 2nd servant 4 talents and the 3rd 1 talent.  The master complements the 1st 2 servants saying “Well done, good and faithful servants … come and share my happiness.”  The 3rd servant he criticizes saying “You wicked and lazy servant, take from him and give it to the one with 10.”  When I was given life, You asked of me that I’d invest my time, talents and resources in the furtherance of Your Kingdom.  This is a good thing!!

As a Good Shepherd, You are my caregiver, protector and the supplier of my needs.  The scriptures again show me the depth of Your desire to care for my needs.  In the account from John, a large crowd of 5,000 men and their families followed You into the desert and after a time grew hungry and needed to be fed.  The only food available was 5 small barley loaves and 2 small fish.  After You prayed and gave thanks, You instructed Your disciples to distribute the food to the crowd.  When all had had their fill, You ask your disciples to collect the remaining food which filled 12 baskets.  What this story shows me is that when I have a need You want to meet it … now and from Your baskets in the future … not miserly, but generously.  It also tells me that whatever I can offer in the form of time, talents and resources … You can multiply them beyond my expectation.  This is a good thing too!!

I should never forget that it is You who created the mountains, formed the sea and filled the sky with stars.  It is through Your wisdom that the bodies of every living thing were perfectly formed, given a purpose and allowed to reproduce themselves.  You have made provision for my food, a place of shelter and all of my other needs … this tells me that You are a caring and compassionate God.  I have come to recognize that You are good and You want Your goodness to emanate from my life.  Your power is on display everywhere and I know that it stands ready to come to my aid.  If I suffer, it is to purge me, strengthen my faith or get my attention.  If I stumble, You are there to catch me and stand me upright.  As I follow in Your footsteps and obey Your commands, I know Your grace and mercy will be with me at all times.  This is a good thing also!!  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Psalm 145:9 The Lord is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made.

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