Most Loving Lord, it is through Your grace (favor) that each of my days is made brighter and more hopeful. Through Your grace, I have access to Your power and might to overcome obstacles that come into my life. Your strengthen and encouragement fortify me in my inner man so I can stand up to whatever adversity comes my way. Through mercy and truth, I am being led out of darkness into the light of a promising future. Through Your Body and Blood, my spirit man is nourished so I can grow into the stature of the man You want me to become. The hope I receive from You is a shield protecting me from the attacks of my enemy who wants to bring me back under the subjection of sin. In response to Your wondrous love, I am drawn closer to You and I want to become obedient to Your commands. Your compassion and grace have opened a path for me to experience eternal life with You.
Through Your grace, I feel clean again. The Holy spirit has washed away the stains of sin and prepared me for my future in Your Kingdom. I am not only thankful for the things I have seen You do in my life, but I’m also thankful for the things You will do in the future to help me lead a victorious life. Because You stand with me, I can keep my eyes on the good You have brought into my life rather than dwelling on my failures. In You, I have been made a new creation, capable of resisting the Devil and able to make good choices. Each day spent with You is one of refreshing and renewal. With each passing day I see old things disappearing and they are being replaced with new righteous attitudes and actions. Through Your grace, I am no longer unworthy of Your presence and power to achieve the impossible. In You, I am a new creation with new goals and aspirations for my life.
Through grace, You uphold my life and give me a reason to live. Service to You and obedience to Your Word have become my earnest desire. I look forward to Your light penetrating my life so I can find the truths that will guide me through this troubled world. Because of my faith in You, obstacles can be cast aside so I can move forward with my life. In Your grace, I find peace and rest from my earthly labors. Through the perseverance You have taught me, I press on with Your encouragement and strength. I find Your instructions pleasant and easy to follow. That is why You tell me that Your yoke is sweet and Your burdens light. I am thankful that You never allow me to see my glass half-empty … instead, helping see it as half-full. In Your grace, hope springs eternal … life is never a drag and instead offers opportunities. Because You fill my life with grace, I am blessed among men. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
II Corinthians 12:9 But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”