Your Grace (How Sweet the Sound)

Blessings and honor be Yours, My Loving King, for in the abundance of Your love flows grace to meet my every need.  I am so thankful that grace is not earned … rather, it’s a gift.  No amount of my works can earn Your love, eternal life or Your grace because they are beyond my ability to be righteous enough to earn them.  Your grace is not a reward for perfect behavior … it is a gift that I receive because I have dedicated myself to You.  My redemption from an eternity spent in Hell is the greatest act of love and grace that I ever can receive.  It is because of Your mercy and grace that I am called Your child … something I’ve not achieved through my own doing.  Due to the priceless gift of Your grace, I am the recipient of Your good will and the riches of Your Kingdom.  Because of this generosity, I owe You perpetual thanks.  And it is my belief that when I stumble and fall, it is Your grace and love that restores me to a place in Your court.

I am so thankful for all of the good things You bring into my life through Your grace.  I know that my favor with You is unmerited … which makes me treasure it all the more.  I find myself continually offering prayers of praise for the blessings You share with me.  Help me never get so wrapped up in myself that I do not stop from time to time to take inventory of all that You have done for me.  As Your child, and the beneficiary of Your love, my heart should always be joyful and filled with appreciation.  No matter what circumstances I find myself in, I know that Your grace will always be sufficient to meet my needs and its benefits are far above anything I can imagine.  I will forever approach Your throne with humility because I need Your mercy and grace to get me through my trying times.

Through Moses, Your people were given the law but, through Your Son, grace and truth are mine.  While on earth, You brought me the goodness of Heaven so that I would gladly serve You with reverence and awe.  Through Your mercy, I’ve been given new life … hope … abundance … and, a new awareness of who I am in You.  You have delivered me from sin and enabled me to live a bountiful life.  Through the washing and regeneration of the Holy Spirit, mercy and grace now clothe me in “royal robes”.  I rejoice in the fact that Your grace is always available to me … never beyond my reach … and, can be found in ample supply.  That is why, when I think of Your grace … I think “how sweet the sound”.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Ephesians 2:8 It is by grace that you were saved by faith and not by yourselves; it is a gift of God.

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