Most Comforting Lord, many times You spoke to men about the coming of Your Kingdom. In the natural, men looked for a tangible kingdom on earth but the one You spoke of was eternal. As with any kingdom, it needs a king and You have come to be it. Your coming brought to the world the beginning of a place where You would rule and reign … my heart. Your desire for me, as a citizen of Your “Spiritual” Kingdom, is for me to share it with others so that they too can come in. In the Lord’s Prayer, You made reference to “Your (the Father’s) Kingdom come” which was to become a cry from the heart of every believer for You to be accepted as King in every heart. When this happens, a beach head is established in each life for retaking lives from the Evil One. The coming of Your Kingdom begins with a surge to overcome evil and will be complete with the coming of the New Heaven and New Earth.
Your Kingdom is not built on temporal things like meat and drink … but, instead, on eternal things like righteousness, peace and joy. By serving the Almighty God with the principles You teach us, we are able to lead the abundant lives planned by Your Father from the beginning. These principles include avoiding selfish and cruel acts and succumbing to evil desires. Your Kingdom includes a peace that surpasses my feeble understanding and comes from knowing I am safe in Your arms … I am conforming to Your wishes … and I’m allowing You to help with my burdens. Your Kingdom offers the joy of knowing I am Yours … I’ve been freed from the power of sin and adversity … and, I have a place at You banquet table in Heaven. While eagerly waiting for the Kingdom of Heaven, Your Kingdom here on earth will be present in my heart because where You dwell, so does Your Kingdom.
Your command was for me to “seek first” Your Kingdom. That command calls me to turn to You for my help, fill my heart with Your desires, make Your way of life my own and serve/obey You without reservation. Many things compete for priority in my life and try to bump You from Your throne. I must make an effort each day to consciously give Your way preference over mine and those of the world. I must concentrate on what is eternal rather than getting entangled in temporal matters. Seeking Your Kingdom shows my desire for a better place … the one You offer. Too often I become frustrated and impatient when my pleadings are not answered immediately. But I need to trust that within Your Kingdom all of my needs will be met. I must not become attached to the things of the world because they are temporal and Your Kingdom is eternal. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Matthew 6:10 “… your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”