I bless You, My Lord, and I thank You for saving me from the pits of Hell and the unrelenting torments of my enemies. You are a mighty and powerful warrior in defense of Your people. Your strength and love sustain me through all things. In Your wisdom, You guide me out of darkness and into light. In Your arms, I find safety and rest. I know that as I go about my daily life, You will teach me how to walk in prosperity and righteousness. Shower me with Your mercy for the pressures of life and the temptations to disobey You press in on every side. I am often overwhelmed and fearful of the evil that surrounds me. My only relief comes when I trust in You and reflect the promises in Your Word. When I am able to do this, I am assured You hear me and will respond to my pleadings. In the darkest of times, I take refuge in the shadow of Your wings until the danger has passed. As I follow in Your footsteps, I know You will accomplish Your purpose for my life. I am confident that You will supply all my needs and will send Your emissaries to minister to me. Because of Your faithfulness, I remain steadfast in my devotion to You alone.
You are my ever-present God, with ample supply and lasting protection for my life. You have delivered me from hold of my oppressors, tribulations and needs. I am confident that You will strike down those who show me no mercy and wish to do me harm. I believe that as I love and cling to You, You will stand in the gap for me to withstand the forces of evil, misfortune and calamity that come to steal my peace and rob me of my blessings. Through Your awesome deeds on my behalf, You have given me a testimony to proclaim regarding Your faithfulness. You have been my solid foundation in my most trying times. With You by my side, I know I will be victorious in whatever struggles I face. I believe that as I strive to do Your will, You will reward me for my efforts.
Hear me, My King, and answer my prayers. Lead me to that place that is higher than I could ever imagine. You are my refuge and place of safety . . . You are my constant source of supply … and, You are the one who rescues and delivers me from harm. I treasure the times You to hold me close and give me a place of refuge. You have vowed to be my Advocate and preserve the inheritance that You earned for me. As Your servant, I confident that You will walk with me each day . . . pour out Your Spirit upon me . . . and, will be my covering, provision and wise counsel. My soul finds peace and rest in You alone. You are my Rock and, in Your strength, I will not be shaken. My hope is sustained through the abundance of Your love and grace. I give You thanks and praise for being an everlasting presence in my life … my abundant provision in times of need … and, my high wall of protection. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 34:17 The righteous cry out and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all of their troubles.