Your Unfailing Love

I give thanks to You, O Lord, for Your love overcomes all things.  I see it in the sacrifice You made to redeemed me.  As a result, I am free to live my life in the abundance of Your promises.  Whenever I encounter trouble, You deliver me from it.  When I am tempted to stray, You take my hand and lead me back onto straight paths.  I give thanks to You, because Your unfailing love satisfies my thirst for righteousness and my hunger with good things.  I will strive to honor Your love and belief in me by not rebelling against Your commands nor despising Your counsel.  For if I go it alone and stumble, there will be no one to help me up and set me on the right path. 

Praise and honors are Yours, My Precious King, for Your unfailing love and the wondrous deeds You’ve done on my behalf.  I have nothing to fear about tomorrow knowing You will be there waiting for me.  And, as I lift up Your Holy Name, my problems and trials will grow smaller and recede into nothing.  There is no obstacle that can be placed in my path that You and my faith cannot cast aside.  When my heart is heavy, You send forth Your love and it’s healed.  Your love fills me with joy, strengthens me for my journey and encourages me to share Your goodness with others.  Whenever storms appear on the horizon, I turn to You and the waves begin to subside and the winds are stilled.  You bring calmness into my life whenever I allow You to guide me.  Therefore, I will submit to Your will and take up my cross to follow You. 

When I face problems, worry and distress, my life feels as dry as the desert … but, as I look to You, I am flooded with rivers of living water that gushes forth from my inner-most being so that I am refreshed and energized.  Through the power of Your Word and the working of Your Holy Spirit, my life has been changed from a dry wasteland into a verdant, fruitful orchard.  As I continue to sow Your Word in my heart, it will bring forth a harvest of goodness that can be shared by many.  As I walk in Your ways and allow Your love to flow freely within me, I am able to find peace and rest.  I know in my heart that You will always look after my needs and wipe away my tears.  Because I have chosen to be more like You, I know that You will take pride in my deeds and the wicked will be made to feel shame.  If I dare to think I am wise, I will listen to Your words, reflect on them and act accordingly.  It is because of all of these things that I remain steadfast in my devotion to Your unfailing love.  And, it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

I Corinthians 13:7-8 It (love) always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails.

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