Be Clean

Most Compassionate Lord, the scriptures contain many records of dealing with leprosy and lepers. The ugliness of the disease lies in the fact it was contagious, slowly destroyed the body and usually led to death. Lepers were separated from the community and became outcasts. Over time, leprosy has become synonymous with sin because it is contagious, destructive, leads to separation and, unless reversed, its deadly to our soul. As sin dwells in me, like the leper, I am “unclean” and in need of a healer who can save me. As a sinner, I have no standing in the community of believers and the community must shield itself from an outbreak of sinfulness. Unfortunately, like the disease of leprosy, sin starts out as a small outbreak, but grows until it takes hold of our lives. I am powerless to stop this perpetual destruction of my life unless I run to The Great Physician who can make me whole.

Sin, like leprosy, disfigures my soul and spreads into all parts of my life. One poor decision leads me to a second and a third until my life is in utter darkness. Compassion, kindness, patience, and moral living give way to a hard heart, a single focus on self, a desire to conform everything to my way, and live a life filled with debauchery. However, if I turn to The Great Physician, He cleanses me through His blood from the effects of sin and gives me a fresh start. I am cured from the effects of sin when You touch my heart, I submit, and all things become new. With You as my physician, love and mercy exceeds my sickness. Miraculously, I am healed and made whole again. Your compassion and forgiveness, along with Your unselfish act on Calvary, blots out the signs of my sins. In times of spiritual illness, I must learn to go to my doctor.

The story of Your encounter with the Leper in Mark Chapter 1 tells me what I need to know about how You look upon sin. In the story, since a leper is considered “unclean”, no one wanted to be near or touch the man. The disease terrified people, but your reached out to touch him. In Your wisdom You know that the real value of a person is on the inside, not outside. No one is too disgusting for Your touch. I am like a leper because I have been infected with the ugliness of my sins which deform me. By coming to earth to save me You came to invite me to be set free from the power of sin and provide me with the power to be healed. In the same way that You told the leper “your sins are forgiven” and “be clean”, the same can be true for me. As You cleanse me, no storm in my life can overwhelm me nor any calamity shatter my peace. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Titus 3:5 He saved us, not because of righteous things we have done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and the renewal of the Holy Spirit.

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