My Lord, as You approached the city of Jerusalem and looked out over it, You wept and said “if you had known on this day what would bring you peace … but now it is hidden from your eyes.” You did not weep over the bricks or mortar or the gardens or parks. You wept for the people because of their blindness to what was unfurling before their eyes. In this country, many of us do see what is happening but feel powerless to stop it. We seem to be marking time until calamity befalls us. By refusing Your leadership and precepts … suffering will follow … not because You turned Your back on us but because we turned our back on You. We are turning what is evil into good and what is good into evil. Do not turn away from us nor withdraw Your hand from turning us back to You. You promised Abraham that for the sake of 10 righteous men You would not destroy Sodom. Please honor that pledge to us too.
You have counseled me on the matter of church and state. You said, “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” My citizenship on earth requires that I pay taxes, serve and defend, obey the laws and support the justice system. I believe with all my heart that You were the founder of this country with a vision that all men should be free. I am thankful that liberty is at the heart of why my country exists. I have seen and heard of many good men and women who have laid down their lives to protect and defend a man’s right to be free. The Kingdom of Heaven requires my loyalty to You, a life lived according to Your principles and service to my fellow man by doing to him what I want done to me. Our money bears the image of our forefathers to whom we owe homage … but my life, which bears Your image, belongs to You.
With much concern and worry for the future of my country, my eyes fill with tears. I see the destruction of life done casually and without remorse. I see things You call sin being accepted as normal. I see those speaking out for righteousness being labeled homophobe, racist and other derogatory names. I see the protections against an attack by evil men being reduced and weakened. I see a government run by the privileged for the privileged instead of the people. I see a desire to take from the achievers and redistribute the booty to under achievers. I see the cancer of drugs, sex and alcohol spreading among the populace. What can I do? The answer on how to achieve the change I seek is provided in Your Word … “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from Heaven above and will forgive their sins and heal their land.” And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I Kings 2:3 Observe what the Lord Your God requires: Walk in His ways and keep His decrees … so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go.