Most Holy One, how inspired I am to share with others how much You have done for me and urge them to check out what You can do to improve their lives. You have done great things for Your people and put joy into their hearts. While there are many things that could be said as a testimony of Your faithfulness, I know there are many more that You have in mind for our future. You have called all Your followers to shine Your light into a dark world. If I confess my sins and renounce the influences of darkness in my life, You will allow Your goodness to burst forth from me in rays of light. You have said that You detest pride and arrogance and, instead, call all Your people to be humble and contrite. My arrogance will bring me down until I humble myself in acknowledging it is Your strength and wisdom that enables me to live as an overcomer. If I choose to be stiff-necked, You will stand against me.
When I seek to become more like You, You show me the ways to walk uprightly and reward me when I do. Your wisdom and knowledge inhabit my mind when I am obedient and loyal to You. When I allow sin to become a part of my life, I squeeze You out. When I allow You in, I see things through Your eyes of love and selflessness and act in upright ways. Help me stay close to You because, when I do, good fills my life. In following You, I must seek Your wisdom and truth. If I fill my mind with Your Word and contemplate what it says, I will find out more about You. When I embrace the ways of the world, I am in effect rejecting You and subjecting myself to Your correction. Today, I watch helplessly as evil and depravity overtake my country. However, I am able to remain hopeful because You said if Your people will humble themselves and turn from their evil ways, You will hear their prayers and heal their land.
Guide me into Your truth and teach me Your ways or I will surely lose my way. Guide me with Your wisdom and counsel. Bless me because I bless You. Only You can be my source of true wisdom and only You can show me how to walk in straight paths. I invite Your Spirt of Wisdom and Revelation to be with me so I can know You better. I no longer want to be taken captive by deceptive words, the philosophies of the world or human traditions. Instead, I want to walk in the freedom You achieved for me with Your death. Because I seek the wisdom only You can impart, I will receive it from Your Word and dialogue with You. I believe that if I seek You … You will be found; if I call out to You … You will be near. Help me forsake my evil ways and evil thoughts so I can become more like You. As I turn to You, I am confident that You will share more of Yourself with me. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved for You are the One that I praise.