Living in Your Favor

O Precious Lamb of God, I am so fortunate to have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit to empower me to reach out to the lost and share with them the love You have to offer.  You have sent me out as Your hands to bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted, free those who have been placed in bondage by fear, worry, drugs and material possessions and help shine light into lives held in darkness.  I am thankful that I’ve been given a new start and now find myself in Your favor.  Because You have comforted me, You ask that I comfort those who undergo suffering and mourn the things they have lost.  My desire is to replace their mourning with gladness and provide them with a basis for hope.  Lord, I need wisdom in rebuilding my life … and, as I see it come about … I’ll try to help others replicate it in their lives.  Help me learn from Your Word the things I need to know to live my life to the fullest.

I give You thanks for the things You supply to my body, mind and spirit that gives them life and helps me grow.  Because of Your faithfulness, I know that You will supply whatever I need to help me function in this world.  As I read and meditate on the Scriptures, my mind is being renewed and changed to think as You think.  As I draw closer to You, I’m becoming more confident that … You are standing with me … my eyes have been opened to see things through the prism of faith … and the things that once hindered me have been dealt with.  As Your child, my life is flourishing and I am blessed with Your favor.  You have made me an heir and given me an inheritance too good to be imagined.  I feel safe under Your system of justice and I believe everything You say to me is meant to strengthen me regardless of what circumstances I encounter. 

I delight greatly in the grace and favor that You have bestowed upon me.  I have not earned either of them, but I benefit from them because of Your undying love and commitment to me.  Your faithfulness and love shows me how much You care about me and want me to succeed.  Through my belief in You, I’ve been clothed with the garment of salvation and a robe of right standing with You.  For as the soil makes a seed spring to life, being buried with You in Baptism has given me new life as well.  But, surrendering to Your will, does not mean that my life will be perfect and devoid of trials and difficulties.  What is does mean is that when I suffer because of my mistakes, the mistakes of others or injustices, You will mitigate my suffering to insure I will make it to another day able to fight another battle.  Living in Your favor insures that I will prosper and good will fill my life.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Psalm 5:12 For surely, O Lord, You bless the righteous; You surround them with Your favor like a shield.

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