May You Forever Be Praised

O Lord, My Blessed Hope, You are the reason I live. You provided me with the hope I need to carry on. I recall, how on Easter morning, Peter and John ran to Your tomb with wonder and amazement in their heart. May I run to You with the same wonder and awe in my heart as well. Peter did not remain where he was because of his circumstances and neither will I. He arose from his sadness and disappointment, so will I arise and face mine. He sought the hope of Your resurrection and so will I. I am no longer going to stay sealed in a tomb with my sins and misdeeds. Instead, through Your redeeming power, I am choosing to roll away the stone of sin and doubt that held me captive. The darkness that surrounded my life has been shattered through the hope and love You have given to me as a gift.

I am now convinced that no one or nothing can separate me from You because of the wondrous work You did on Calvary. I acknowledge that I must pass by the cross before I can get to the tomb from which You have set me free. I should never lose sight of what You had to go through to pay the price for the evil I have done in my life. I must accept that my road will not necessarily be an easy one and I will be facing trials and tribulations along the way. You have said in Your Word that no greater love can any man have for another than to lay down his life for him. You showed me very clearly the depth of Your love by Your willingness to sacrifice Yourself for my sake. I understand that with You … all things are possible … and without You I am nothing. Never permit me to be separated from You. I need You and the Holy Spirit to be a part of my daily life.

I rejoice in the gift of Yourself in Holy Communion. It beacons me to come humbly before You to partake in Your sacred Body and Blood to form a closer union with You. Since You put me before Yourself, I as Your follower, must be willing to become a living sacrifice to help others find peace with You. You suffered and died so that I could possess eternal life. Help me be willing to lay down my life so others might find their way to the newness of life that You offer. You explained that no one took your life from you and instead You laid it down willingly. This clearly shows me Your commitment to obey the will of Your Father and demonstrate the depths of Your love for each of Your people. I too want to be able to do what You ask of me … willingly, not because I was made to do it. I rejoice this day for all the things You have done for me and I will praise Your name forever. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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