Taking Baby Steps

My Loving Savior, I am comforted in the fact that You are patient with me as I endeavor to implement the changes You are asking of me.  I am sure that as I take each wobbly step, You are filled with overwhelming joy.  You spread Your arms wide to catch me, You encourage me to not be afraid and ask me to try and take my next step.  I must learn to trust You so I can see how to go about changing my life.  To become comfortable and sure about my footing, as I begin to walk out Your plan for my life, requires practice and do-overs.  Sometimes I will fall, but knowing You are there to pick me up and help me start over again, is very comforting.  I feel a great freedom and fulfillment when I am able to walk as You did.  Help me avoid being neglectful or fearful in moving forward with You.  Each day of my new walk with You is a thrill.  I know that as I progress I’ll be able to run my race without the fear of failing.

When I first gave my life to You, I thought that it would be easy to change and You would keep me from stumbling.  I wanted to be free to do my own thing.  I have since determined that is not what You had in mind.  You see how I grow tired of playing by the rules and, as a consequence, I slip and fall when I do not walk by faith.  I am confident when … I use Godly wisdom to make my decisions … take Your hand to steady myself when I need it … and, follow You as You lead me.  Like a good parent, You are teaching me how to walk maturely and make wise choices.  I know that just as I fell down as a part of my natural process of learning how to walk; I will experience the same in my spiritual process of learning to walk.  To fall is not a problem … it’s getting back up and trying again that really counts.  I must never forget that the steps I take in moving closer to You are the ones that will help me the most.

As a Christian, I must not only understand the importance of learning to walk but also learn to eat properly.  I start on the milk of Your Word and progress to solid food which strengthens me for my faith journey.  In my infancy, I am still very worldly and unsteady on my spiritual feet.  As I gain strength from Your Word and I take baby steps … my desires align with Yours and I grow into the stature of the person You intended for me to be.  Being controlled by You enables me to grow whereas, when I am in control my growth, it is stunted.  As I take baby steps, I am learning the elementary truths that help me form a solid foundation.  When I partake of solid food and practice walking in Your ways, I know that I will be better prepared to discern good and evil.  Help me not resist moving on with You and take the small, steady steps required to learn how to walk as You did.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Hebrews 6:1 Therefore, let us leave the elementary teaching about Christ and go on to maturity …

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