I give thanks and praise to You, My Gracious Lord, for You have done many things to bless and fill my life with goodness. Through Your blood, You have saved me. Through Your power, You have raised me. Through Your body, You have fed me. All these are but a few of the things You’ve done for me.
Through Your Word, You uplift me. Through Your Spirit, You guide me. Through Your armor, You defend me. And, all these are but a few of the things You’ve done for me.
Through Your mercy, I am forgiven. Through Your grace, I receive Your favor. Through Your eyes, I am beautiful. And, all these are but a few of the things You have done for me.
Through Your charity and kindness, You sustain me. Through Your strength, You uphold me. Through Your wisdom, You counsel me. And, all of these are but a few of the things You have done for me.
Through Your compassion, You have given me newness of life. Through Your devotion, You have taken up my burdens. Through Your love, You have changed me. And, all of these are but a few of the things You have done for me.
Through You, I am made complete. Through You, I’ve been set free from sin and death. Through You, I am made holy and blameless. And, all of these are but a few of the things You’ve done for me.
Through You, peace prevails in my life. Through our kinship, I rule and reign with You. Through Your generosity, all of my needs are met. And, all of these are but a few of the things You have done for me.
Through You, I can do all things. Through You, I’ve been called out of darkness into light. In Your creativity, You brought all things into existence for my use. And, all of these are but a few of the things You have done for me.
Through Your training, I am a doer and not a hearer only. Through my adoption, I am an heir to everything You have. Through my belief in You, I am an overcomer. And, all of these are but a few of the things You have done for me.
Like You, I am a light shining into the darkness. Like You, I’ve been made the righteousness of God. Like You, I am the head and not the tail … above and not below. And, all of these are but a few of the things You have done for me.
As a result of these things, I am firmly rooted in You. My life is built on a foundation based on my knowledge of You. My faith is settled and established in You. And, my heart is overflowing with gratitude for all that You have done for me. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in faith as You’ve been taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.