The Holy Spirit and Me

Most Precious Spirit, come to me and fill me with renewed life and help me learn to love the things that My Savior loved and do what He would do. My goal has always been to see my life changed into the image of His. I know that this cannot happen until my heart is pure and my motives are unselfish. I yearn for my will and His to be in harmony with one another. Until this happens, I will always remain self-serving and never see the fire of His love grow in me. Based on accepting the Lord as my Savior, I will never die. However, to live for Him is something I must come to grips with. Come Sweet Holy Spirit and shine the light of Christ into my life so I can see and understand His ways and become enabled to walk in them. I welcome Your presence in my life because the Lord told me it would be a good thing as You came after Him. How desperately I need Your strength and encouragement to face each new day.

Come to me O Comforter and cleanse my soiled heart of sin. Wash me clean so I can start fresh to walk in the ways of My Lord. Melt my hard heart within me and replace it with a fresh, tender heart for Him and the lost. Guide me in the ways of righteousness so that I too can be a light shining into a dark and lost world. In the same way that You have restored my life, I want to bring hurting lives into the light so they can be healed. Help me strive for virtues that will reap rewards in my life and the lives of others. Fill me with joy that will never end and an abounding hope that lifts my faith to new heights. Show me the way to work out my salvation because the Scriptures tell me that I am not saved by works but I am saved for them. I want to fulfill what the Lord had in mind when I was brought into this world. To live my fullest for Him is my greatest aspiration.

Help me never forget the suffering the Lord suffered for me to save me from Hell and the power of sin. When I am weak, fill me with Your power. When I am discouraged, fill me with Your words of encouragement that help me overcome my trials. Since I am a blank slate, teach me the things I need to be an overcomer and prevail over my enemy. Help me blend into Your Body and make me one with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I want to know and feel the awesomeness of Your power working in me to build a strong foundation for “The Kingdom of God.” It is easier to hear than to do. No longer do I want to sit on the sideline in the game of life, rather be about the work I’ve been called to do. I am relying on You to point me to the right path so I do not stumble and fall back into sin. I need You to be my guiding light and encourage me in all that I do. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

John 14:26 But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach You all things and remind You of everything I have said.

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