My Untiring Master, when You first created man, You gave him a job to do … you charged him with the responsibility to care for the Garden of Eden so he could eat of its fruit. Later, after man’s fall, he was told that by the sweat of his brow he’d have to toil in the earth to live. In either case, You illustrate that labor is a divine gift given to men to care for their needs. Even when You come to rule and reign in the last days, it will still be the role of man to serve You on Your throne. Therefore, the call to work is inescapable. As a consequence, I must be diligent in performing the work You have assigned to me in order to be useful and productive. You’ve encouraged me to maintain a positive attitude toward work so I can glean all of the benefits from it.
I can never forget that my work will never be in vain if it is done with good motives and a desire to give my best. I must avoid the trap of coasting effortlessly through life, expending minimal effort, for You have explained the “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” My work should also be a love offering to You because it was You who gave me the ability and time to do it. I must see my life as a gift to be used wisely for the benefit of You and others. Everything I do has the potential to produce good fruit when it is done with right motives. I’ve been called to work so that I can reap its benefits … prosperity, peace, joy and fulfillment. My labors should be a reflection of You and Your desire to bless all men. I must never become discouraged and neglect the work You’ve given me because of a lack of apparent results. I must trust Your directives and persevere in doing what has been asked of me.
As I labor, I know that, if I do wrong, I will be repaid in wrong … and, if I do right, I will be rewarded with good things. If I can envision my work as being done for You, it will take away some of the drudgery and boredom inherent to it. With the right attitude, I can perform my duties without complaining, seeing my time as wasted or thinking of it as some kind of punishment. Whatever labors I am called to perform, I must do them in an attitude of gratefulness and a desire to give back. Since You created work, it is good and meant for good. I cannot lose sight of the fact that You gave me the gift of work as a means to reward me because you have said “I will give to everyone according to what he has done.” Lazy hands make me “poor” while diligent hands produce “abundance.” In my work, I am given the opportunity to grow, serve and be productive. It is for these reasons that I will work diligently as a servant in the house of the Lord. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Genesis 2:15 And the Lord took man and put him in the Garden of Eden to dress it and keep it.
Genesis 3:17 Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat from it all the days of your life.